Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Who's Blood is it Anyway?

According to John Alembillah Azumah's book, "The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa", there were infinitely more black Africans enslaved by North African pirates and Middle Eastern Muslims than there ever were by white Europeans and Americans, and the only reason that there aren't a lot of black skinned people in Muslim countries today (as there plainly are in the U.S., Brazil, and the Caribbean islands) is because the men were either castrated (and bled to death) or sent off to war to die and the women sold off as concubines and ultimately murdered (many dropping dead in the desert from forced marches). Gee, wouldn't it be awesome if this was occasionally mentioned in the history books, too (that and the fact that these Muslims enslaved a shitload of Europeans - beginning in Iceland - in addition)?


  1. Interesting... One can point out that the war by Islamic terrorists against indigenous Africans continues... see Mali and Nigeria and Sudan.


  2. Off topic, Mr. Sanders' trashing machine is working overtime at "Sleeping with The Devil" cesspool of the macabre.

    1. To paraphrase Pink Floyd...

      He's just one lost soul, swimming in his sh*t bowl. Year after year.

  3. Thr man is nauseating and the only comments that I read are the short ones and even those generally by accident (eye wandering during the deletion process).

  4. It seems Africa was not only the source of homo sapiens, but the source of slaves going back millennia. First among their own tribes, later the Romans. The Muslim slave trade dates to 650AD
    and is estimated to have involved 10 million individuals. The Euro-
    American trade was over a much shorter time frame and also involved about 10 million individuals (almost half to Brazil). The search for cheap labor is ancient.

  5. Hey Will, Mr. Nauseating trotted over here, copied my comment and pasted it on his blog. Of course he added his own typical literary hiccup.

    Well, took some heat off you and dmarks for a bit. And I enjoyed playing the dude.

    Oh, I did post a couple comments over there he hasn't published yet. I Figure he won't.

    The guy is a real piece of work. Later Will...


  6. Hey RN,if he is so nauseating....simple solution....stop posting there.

  7. Rusty, RN is a generous, kind man. Without those few comments at the WD sh*tbowl, Dervish has no life, no joy.

  8. I think the key is just to not read it, 'cause once you do, it's often hard not to box the son of a bitch's ears.

  9. Minister Farrakhan has come out in support of what remains of the slaved trade in Africa (Sudan), saying it is the Africans' own business and is an acceptible way to build a Muslim nation.

    I'm pretty sure Barack Obama attended a hero-worship rally devoted to Farrakhan and his views.... which would be equivalent to, say, John McCain attending a KKK rally.

  10. Will, that's it exactly. He loves that kind of attention.


  11. Engaging him is exactly what WD wants. Then he can kill time between welfare checks by seeking a quote someone made a couple years ago,find a missed spelled word or a self perceived racist statement and proceed beating a dead horse until boredom over takes his limited attention span.

    1. Hey Rusty, peruse the number of recent comments I gave actually left on Cesspool United. They've been very scarce.

      Everybody needs a good belly life now and then. Mr. Nauseating occasionally provides that. Giving him a nudge now and again, oh nevermind.

  12. And he's certainly not a proponent of the "pick your battles wisely" school of thought, either.

  13. Keep it up, Rusty, and WD will create a special blog where he will write love letters to you all day long. As he has for me and Will that I know of so far.

    I'm sure there's room in his heart for more than just Will, "Dennis", and "Lester".

    Geez. WD is just like an 11 year old girl obsessed with a boy band or something.



    Stuck in a window seat next to WD on a six hour flight.

    Seated next to WD at Thanksgiving dinner.

  15. Will said: " of thought..."

    It's kind of a stretch to put "school" in the same paragraph along with Derve Nauseam. At least in the context of evidence of education.

    Not even sure traffic school or the School of Rock would fit there, either.

  16. Hell on Earth: part accidentally, part morbid curiosity, of reading WD's disgusting lube-dripping hariy-arsed gay Santa Claus fanfic that he wrote to me several times a day during the last holiday season.

    I think at one point he said he was doing it just to show me what it was like. But he really threw his heart into it, so it was obvious there was something he wasn't saying.


  17. I know you are twisting his tail RN.

    I used to comment there....but its like talking to a teenager.

    That loon has gotten so one comments there.

  18. Rusty: WD over estimates other's interest in his love letters to Will, "Dennis", Rusty, and "Lester".

    Even Jerry, who agrees with a lot of his ideology, has given up on it. No surprise there, no discussion of important national events or ideas.

    "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

    = Eleanor Roosevelt

  19. I'd let WD read my blog if he promised to behave respectfully, and not leave the types of comments he left last year. Clean slate.

    Only reasonable...


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