Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On Mitch "the Bitch" McConnell's Decision to Not Tackle Tax Reform this Year

Why doesn't he just assume the fetal position and be done with it? The guy is useless, and could he be any more cowardly? The only reason that he doesn't want to take on tax reform this year is because it's an election year and he doesn't want to take away anybody's deductions, pure and simple. I mean, talk about a walking and talking advertisement for fucking term limits - THIS is the one!


  1. Your point is stronger than you might think. If there were a term limit of a single term, and no worry about re-election, some politicians like McConnell might be more bold and do a better job as legislators.


  2. Kudos to Dave Camp in the Congress for at least starting the conversation.

  3. Dave Camp was always attacked by left-wing partisans who called him "Rubber Stamp Dave Camp" because he tended to vote in line the President during 2001 - 2008.

    Camp has since changed, he doesn't rubber-stamp any more at all. But do the Dems commend him for this? Nooooo.

    Of course, they love it when someone rubber-stamps a progressive President such as Obama.

  4. There is no shortage of rubber stamps in Washington DC...

    ... and red ink flows freely.

  5. RN: Exactly. My point it is that it is pure partisanship.

    Like when the Dems had a major <a href = ">Take Back America</A> thing going during the Bush years (run by a Maoist pushing for corrupt crony capitalism based on bad science... but that is another subject), but when McCain uses the exact same meme during his campaign, he is smeared as a racist.


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