Friday, February 28, 2014

What I Like Best About Being an Independent

The fact that I don't have to constantly defend bullshit, the indefensible, and sheer idiocy.


  1. Instead you have to defend against it, such as from WD, our resident Tidy-Bowl Man.

  2. If Gore had won the election and gone to war with Iraq, guys like wd would be championing him as some sort of freedom fighter and hero (and, yes, partisans on the right would have flipped as well). It all comes down to party with these people (his defense of FDR, LBJ, Obama, etc.).

  3. Will: That was very well said. I have no doubt on all of it, that yes, the Republicans would have been doves of peace on this. If Gore had actually won.

  4. I've been pretty consistently anti-war most of my life. The only time that I wasn't was after 9/11 and I actually think that Bush should have been MORE brutal with al Qaeda and the Taliban sons of bitches.


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