Friday, February 28, 2014

On the 99%ers

The fact that they DIDN'T march on the FED (whose easy money policy, bailout mentality, and artificially low interest rates probably caused the housing crisis), DIDN'T march on Fannie and Freddie (whose reckless policies - the buying up of hundreds of billions in toxic loans - led to the most massive bailout of all), DIDN'T march on the government-backed ratings agencies (whose shitty prognostications kept the whole thing going), and DIDN'T march on the Congressional offices of dullards such as Barney Frank and Maxine Waters (whose dogmatism and depravity shielded these a-holes from seeing that Fannie and Freddie were OBVIOUSLY going bankrupt) leads me to think that these folks are probably little more than clueless partisan jack-offs whose knowledge of the economy is pitiful at best and whose decorum thoroughly matches it.


  1. The 99%'ers had a protest at a bank in my town (Chase) in which they basically harassed and assaulted customers going to the bank. This included knocking a little old lady to the ground.

    Ugly methods (harassing ordinary citizens, targeting small business), ugly goals (destroying the Jews,more power for the most powerful) means a very ugly movement.

    With its greedy and hypocritical populism and bent toward crime in order to gain its goals, this group is more of a danger to the average American, than, say, those inbred toothless KKK dregs that come up from time to time.

    Well, was more of a danger. The Occupy movement isn't very popular any more.

  2. Also, I went to two "Tea Party" rallies. An an observer, really. I noticed many many signs. Not a single racist one against Obama, though. However, there were indeed many anti-FED signs, and also several anti-bailout signs. (And from this, it is not surprising that there was a strong Ron Paul, libertarian element there).

  3. There were definitely some bankers at the scene of the fire but it was Greenspan and his cronies who were pouring the kerosene on it. Good for the tea partiers who noticed that.

  4. Will: And it is the tea party types who are lot harsher against the corporate/bailout/bankster class than the Occupy movement was.

    I've seen so many on the left support all of the bailouts. And not nearly as many on the right, or even the libertarian end.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I removed my response to WD's dead horse baiting. It smells enough around here already from his recent visit.


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