Friday, February 7, 2014

The Stupid Face of Republicanism

Mr. Huckabee went on Neil Cavuto's show today and when given the chance to take back (or at least modify) his libido statement, he refused and if anything he doubled down on the sucker. To say that this guy is a Neanderthal and an embarrassment is about as polite as I can get when describing him and I really and truly hope that the Republicans reject his brand as soon as possible.


  1. This POS Huckabee makes me fucking sick....he is a first class hypocrite,yet there are people on the right who still think highly of this asshole...they need to have their damn heads examined.

    This shitbird when governor pardoned a convicted murderer who then went to Seattle and killed four cops while they were eating breakfast......yea,Huckabee is a real jewel.

    1. I'll be sure to tell my conservative 81 year old father what you said about him.

  2. What is it with these Southern governors and their pardons (Haley Barbour, too, remember?)?......And it's not like the Republicans need this guy with other competent governors to choose from; Daniels, Kasich, Christie if he can weather the storm, etc..


  3. The evangelicals love this guy....why,I have no idea.

  4. I sure hope he gets nailed over his Dukakis problem sure as Dukakis was.

    I don't think anyone has to worry about Huckleberry. The voters rejected him, and he's done nothing of any consequence in the years since... years which will only grow longer.

  5. Huck is a a republican statist and he is a religous fanatic, a very dangerous combination.

  6. He certainly is lacking fans here. Amazing to have so much agreement, and probably also even with the "not ready for prime time" would-be commenter that goes bump in the basement as well. Amazing.

  7. Daniels from Indiana - that fellow might be worth a look. a) He doesn't say stupid-assed shit and b) he seems to think outside the box from time to time (his healthcare plan for state employees having a striking resemblance to John Mackey's plan over there at Whole Foods, for example).


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