Thursday, February 6, 2014

"The Real Anita Hill", 1993?

What would be my answer to the question, "So, when was the last time that journalist, David Brock, did a hard-hitting piece on a liberal or a fair-minded piece on a conservative?"


  1. Damn......FOX has hired the "Money Honey" Maria Bartiromo from CNBC and get this.....James Carville.....

    But,fear not MSNBC still has Howard Fineman,Eugene Robinson and David Corn.

    Which is more main stream? All those leftwing idiotic FOX haters are running out of bullets.

  2. Brock was blinded by the right. Now he is blinded by the left. Chances are he will make another opportunistic flip flop again sometime.

  3. And no, BB and others. I was skeptical of his Anita Hill book back when he was blinded by the right. Just as I am of his material since he has been blinded by the left and is now "a witting cog in the Democratic sleaze machine"

  4. I am always very suspicious of these people who do 180s in that they're (like you're saying, dmarks) essentially substituting one form of decadence, idiocy, etc. for another and, yes, I find this Brock fellow (who apparently only gets exorcized over conservative transgressions) especially creepy.

  5. And I'm not commenting on the veracity of the Anita Hill book, just that it was probably the last time that the dude went after a liberal and that it was OVER 20 YEARS AGO!!......I mean, seriously, the left has literally done nothing wrong for over 2 decades now (and, yes, please feel free to insert my 1970s wrestling analogy here)?


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