Monday, February 24, 2014

Take this, Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, Etc., Continued

Here are a few stats from Mr. Clemens that will really blow your mind. According to him, 43% of the Mexicans, 82% of the Haitians, and even 27% of the Indians who have gotten themselves out of poverty (over the past several decades) have done so here, IN THE UNITED STATES!!............................................................................Of course, what's even more mind-blowing is the fact that this has all happened for the most part without harming the American work force one iota (only high school dropouts have had their wages depressed and even with them it's only been about an 8% drop over the course of a generation) and that there actually exists a consistent and strong INVERSE correlation between immigration and unemployment....Yeah, I'm really beginning to think that the likes of O'Reilly, Dobbs, and Ann Coulter are just flat-out wrong on this one.

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