Sunday, February 23, 2014

Take this, Bill O'Reilly, Lou Dobbs, Etc.

According to Michael Clemens from the Center for Global Development, if the world were to fully remove migration barriers, we would close to double the world's GDP and alleviate much of its poverty....It sure as hell sounds like a good plan to me (think of it as a foreign aid policy that actually works).


  1. Obviously this is theory. I'll have to check this Dude out. Michael Clemens...

  2. Migration of people, goods, services, and investment. Remove as many barriers as possible, I agree.

    By the way, Russ, looking forward to you joining me on my blog. My latest post settles controversy:

  3. Dr. Clemons has very good credentials. Not sure what the
    data, details and projections look like.

  4. dmarks, I highly recommend an economist from UC Davis named Giovanni Peri. The fellow has studied (and written on) immigration more than basically anybody in the country and is frequently cited by libertarian economists such as Ben Powell from Texas Tech and Bryan Caplan from George Mason. More than any other individual, he's convinced me.

  5. Thanks...went and read some of him. Fascinating... the situation is similar in regards to free/open trade.


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