Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Drew Griffin Versus David Brock, Addendum

And Obama isn't protecting national security, he's protecting himself. We already know from General Ham, Gregory Hicks, and others (closed circuit television footage, for Christ) that there not only wasn't any spontaneous eruption of a protest, THERE WASN'T ANY PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also know from leaked documents and testimony that Secretary Panetta and General Mullen both told the President that this was a terrorist attack and that they did so almost immediately. I am sorry here but Mr. Brock is being a manifest scoundrel and a stooge (spinning for a dishonest politician simply because the dude's got a D in front of his name).


  1. I didn't read a single sentence of those 13 rambles, wd. You just wasted valuable minutes of your life that you will never get back and it is a sad situation. My suggestion is that you go back to Media Matters and reinforce your already hardened beliefs and just go to town on the sucker, you sick son of a bitch.

  2. "13 rambles"

    Good idea. I made the mistake of reading one and he was angrily talking about... Well, you did use the word "hardened" in your comment above. His comments are graphic and disgusting, but you get the idea.

    "You just wasted valuable minutes of your life that you will never get back and it is a sad situation"

    Now, there is something to be said for that, Will. These minutes he wastes are minutes he isn't spending changing the world. So that means less of the world he wants.

  3. He sends comments at various points throughout the day which leads me to believe that he's still not working or, if he is, he isn't working very hard.


  4. For Christ sake guy's.....you know he doesn't work...he's been sucking off the public teat for years.WD spends his days writing idiotic posts and searching for the next hand out.

    1. Rusty you should start a blog. So WD can fill the spam box with hundreds of comments about naked men as he does with mine.

  5. And don't forget scouring the Internet, Russ. He seemingly does that quite a bit as well.

  6. His typical reaction when I mention his biometrics attempted posts is to send many more. That's where his mind goes. Starting when I accused him of spamming a year ago and his reaction was to send me several p*nis comments a day for weeks. He could have discussed casino or drug spam, but instead his mind went immediately into the gutter. And it got worse and worse, but you have to admit the Penthouse Letters style thing he wrote in different ways several times a week about a romantic encounter with Noam Chomsky was kind of funny in a laugh at him, not with him sort of way.

  7. If only he could channel this much energy into productive means.

  8. I've flushed 7 or so of his messages so far today. Look at the name and off it goes. For someone who thinks my blog is boring, it sure seems to make quite an exciting hobby for him.


  9. That's the problem guys....he believes he is being productive.

    A few months ago I asked him if he was a maker or a taker.....he went off on a long rant to justify his station in life how what he does is important to society. The sad thing is .....he's no kid....he is 36 or 37 years old...what a waste of a life.

  10. How important is being an internet troll to society?

  11. ...and from what I understand, Rusty, you are a valuable member of society. In the gaming industry,right? Part of an industry that produces people great value in entertainment and employs a million people, providing them with rewarding careers. And the millions in their families supported by this.

    Not to mention the hope and prosperity to very blighted Native American communities provided by that sector of the gaming industry.

    I guess if ignorant trolls in Mom's crawlspace had their way, these people would be fired from their jobs. And many Native American casinos would fall back into destitution.

    I used to have a different (negative) attitude about the gaming industry, but I matured. Not everyone has thought things through, though.

  12. Correction above:

    "And many Native American casinos would fall back into destitution."

    I meant reservations, not casinos.


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