Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Couple of Bad Pieces of News for the Statists of the World

1) According to the Fraser Institute's ratings on economic freedom, the average economic freedom in the world has increased from 5.5 to 6.7, an increase of nearly 22%. That cannot be good news for paper-pushers and for those like monstrous government.............2) For some strange reason the state of Rhode Island does not charge sales tax on fine art. And so, no, when the William Vareika Gallery on Bellevue in Newport sold that John Henry Twachtman landscape for $850,000 or that Charles Wilson Peale portrait for $1,500,000 (both of which were undoubtedly sold to wealthy people), the bureaucrats in Providence didn't a solitary cent on it....Man, can I ever hear the outrage brewing on that sucker.


  1. Glad when some people are able to do some things without the vultures stealing a cut of it.


  2. Was'nt Rhode Island where John Kerry either bought his boat or had it docked to avoid taxes.

  3. I think so and I actually commend him for it....It WAS legal, right?

    1. Will: you can't blame a person for heeding the disincentive provided by such tax policies and modifying their behavior accordingly. The Kerry's and those like them already pay a massive amount in taxes.

  4. Rusty: he bought his boat there, and didn't buy his boat there. And it was swift.

  5. Tax avoidance versus tax evasion, the latter I obviously encourage.

  6. Odd, R.I quit sales taxing on fine art, wine and spirits, but
    a KFC meal (or any meal) they ding 7% regular sales tax + 1%
    meal tax. Social engineering to
    create skinny art aficionados
    (that are slightly tipsy?

  7. BB: picturing Niles Crane holding a bottle of sherry.

  8. I bought my Anna Falconnet Hunter for $3,500 and didn't pay a penny of tax on it. Thank you, Rhode Island!

  9. Will: Guessing from your travel plans, you paid tax on food and gas when you went there. They get you, somehow :)


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