Thursday, January 2, 2014

Think Insanity

I don't care about your rebuttal (or anything else that you have to utter for that matter, either), wd. I've already researched the issue pretty extensively and the vast, Vast, VAST majority of sources have indicated that India in fact DID undergo significant economic liberalization in 1991 (it actually started earlier than that but the major stuff was enacted in 1991) and that it took the form of freer trade, tax reform, privatization, and deregulation..........................................................................................I mean, I'm not exactly sure what your angle is here; that they didn't go all the way to Adam Smith style pure capitalism (which would be a total straw-man in that nobody has ever once indicated that) maybe. I don't know. If I had to muster a guess it would be that you did what you constantly do; scour the entirety of the internet looking for contradictory viewpoints (, 2005, really?) and then elevating them like you did with the guy who thinks that Bush is a war criminal or the guy who thinks that Smoot-Hawley was actually good for the economy or the guy who thinks that we should have handed bin Laden over to his fellow Middle-Eastern tyrants. But whatever it is, it thoroughly disturbs me big and I'd like it to stop.


  1. I've not seen his rebuttal (surprised that he actually submits anything like this that it's not 300 words about gay sex)...but from what to say here, it is probably knee-jerk reaction in defense of command economics, a tilt toward fascism, an embrace of authoritarianism, damn the wishes of the.people and protect the privilege of the rulers....all regardless of facts and the historic record. Did I get that right?

  2. "and then elevating them like you did with the guy who thinks that Bush is a war criminal"

    That was a real hoot, wasn't it? That Boyle guy, an armchair attorney (WD spelled his first name "Frances") was his main, and for a while only, source on the idea that Bush was a war criminal. Turns out the guy has written at length about the need to wipe out Israel's Jewish population through peaceful means, and he has also called Alan Dershowitz a war criminal just for being Jewish and outspoken.

    His response when this was pointed out was to retreat to lies about Iraq that Saddam Hussein paid a child molester to say. And then finally to off-the-cuff comments by a UN official whose family received millions from Saddam in the "oil for palaces" scandal (with his idea that off the cuff comments during media interviews this is how the UN makes resolutions).

  3. The Indian economy has been growing and is strong, but we note
    they have their problems . Nor would I recommend a loan woman ride a bus in that country.

  4. By the way, this is an excellent argument about how relaxing government control has greatly benefited the Indian people and economy. And how they need to do more of this.

    It comes from "The Economist", not some crank in a 9-year old Blogspot post.

  5. Of course they have their problems, BB. But back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s they had a hell of a lot more of them and pretty much everybody was hungry.......That's an excellent article, dmarks, and, yes, you can add it to the 999,999:1 list of articles which actually confirmed reality and didn't revise it.

  6. Will: I tried to look for an article that bashed India for its turn to popular control of economic matters... but gave up looking.

    BB: The rape culture you mention was always there in India, and is little related to the economic situation being discussed. Only thing that makes it much better in the modern era is that people are talking about it and starting to do something about it. Before, it was simply accepted.

  7. We should never make perfect the enemy of the good.

  8. I did a search on the the "myth of economic liberalization in India" and the only thing that I uncovered was that Indiacut piece from 2005. There was a book from Anthem Press which recently came out and criticized the Indian economy but it was more of a "let's get to socialism" screed than anything and so that doesn't count.

  9. I hope that those long comments of yours are therapeutic, wd, because I'm tellin' ya', they aren't read and they are summarily deleted with rapidity.

  10. It must make him feel better somehow. Why else would he have spent his Christmas holiday composing thousands of words of private messages to me about...shall we say...going down Santa's chimney.

    I have since learned to flush when I see his name or that of his sock puppets.

  11. This Boyle fellow has also called for the impeachment of Eric Holder. wd would probably part company with him on that one.

  12. 55 today? I bet he will send you a dozen or so more before the day is out.

    I just flushed 3 or 4 more floaters from WD. I didn't look any more than to see he is still obsessing about RN whom he calls "Lester".


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