Friday, January 3, 2014

Note to Louisville Coach, Charlie Strong

Stay at Louisville (making close to 4 million bucks a year) and they'll build a statue of you in less than a decade. Go to Texas and you'll get fired after a couple of 8-4 seasons and have to deal with yahoos 24/7. You decide.


  1. At ease Will.....Strong isn't getting the Texas job.

  2. Who are they going to go with? Fisher signed with FSU. Mora and Briles have both said no. James Franklin, the Vanderbilt guy? Mike Gundy? I'm just not going to relax until they sign somebody and his name isn't Charlie Strong.


  3. Jimbo's contract allow's him to still accept another offer I think the rumors about him will start flying on Jan 7th and don't rule out Sabin.

    I think the Texas alum want the school to make a big splash...more so after what Oklahoma did last night.

  4. I don't think that it's Jimbo. With incentives he stands to make 5 mil a year and you don't walk away from the best team in the country and the most fertile recruiting area (Texas has more FBS players but Florida has more 4-5 star recruits) that exists. I hope that it's Sabin and I hope that he fails.


  5. Looks like you called this one Will.

    I thought they would go after a bigger name,but then again no one knew who Mack was 16 years ago.

  6. As a Louisville fan I'm currently on a q15 minute suicide watch. Thank you, Texas!


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