Friday, January 17, 2014

Pious, My Ass

According to historian, Guenter Lewy, the Catholic Church in Germany was so incestuously tied to Nazi Germany that it actually opened up its genealogical records to enable the Nazis to trace the extent of a Jewish and/or suspected Jewish person's ancestry. How damned frigging disgusting is that?..............................................................................And, no, it doesn't even remotely stop there. According to Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's book, "Hitler's Willing Executioners", there hasn't been a single Catholic priest or parishioner who collaborated with the Nazis who has ever been excommunicated from the church - this while simultaneously thousands and thousands of others have been given the boot for bush-league offenses like birth-control. I am sorry, folks, but, starting now, I am going to totally tune these miscreants (i.e., celibate dudes with a collar) out.


  1. Yeah, that is one hell of a track record, for sure.


  2. Don't judge us all by that.....there are a couple good catholics around.

  3. Absolutely and I should have pointed that out and underscored that my major beef here is with the hierarchy.

  4. I hear you...

    Also consider that the RCC is STILL covering up the priest abuse scandal, moving predator priests around, etc.

    Rusty's right. There's more than a couple of good Catholics. They need a lot more of the good ones in certain places to clean up this stuff once and for all...


  5. Non-catholics have a difficult time understanding the church.Although too many view it as ultra conservative in its beliefs its actually,in many cases very socially liberal.The church gives many millions each year to the poor and St.Vincent de Paul charities here in the states does exceptional work for the down trodden.

    Hey sorry,but Rusty and Mrs.Rusty are church goers.

  6. The Little Sisters of the Poor are phenomenal and I totally tip my cap to every group like that.


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