Thursday, January 16, 2014

Facts on the Swedish Economy

1) From 1870 to the mid-1950s, Sweden was the fastest growing economy on the planet and by 1970 it was the 4th wealthiest country in the world.............2) For most of that time period Sweden was a highly capitalistic country that was aided by factors such as secure property rights, the rule of law, a fair and honest court system, a solid private banking system, free trade, and limited regulations.............3) Starting in the 1970s, Sweden's economy became much more government centric and was characterized by policies such as rigid labor market regulations (amongst which a solidarity wage that nearly destroyed incentive), the propping up of stagnating sectors, and massive increases in spending (government spending eventually reaching 66% of total GDP) and taxes.............4) Between 1975 and 1985, the Swedish debt increased by nearly 10-fold.............5) By 1980 the top marginal tax rate was 85% and when you included all taxes it was over 100% for some folks (over a certain amount of income).............5) By 1990 there were actually more tax-financed jobs in Sweden than there were private sector jobs.............6) Sensing the unsustainability of such debt and entitlement growth, Sweden eventually reformed their economy to the point where government spending is now down to 51% of GDP and the top tax rate 57% (still too high but significantly better than 85%).............7) Other reforms included school choice (are you listening Mr. Obama?), a partial privatization of Social Security, reduced regulations, a reduction of the corporate tax rate to an exceedingly competitive 22%, and a total elimination of the death tax.............8) After these reforms, Sweden's national debt decreased from 80% of GDP in 1995 to only 35% of GDP in 2010.............9) Sweden's response to the 2008 financial crisis was not one of stimulus spending (Sweden's Finance Minister, Anders Borg, actually went as far as to criticize President Obama for his stimulus package) but rather one of permanent tax cuts and welfare spending reductions - the end result being significant economic growth coming out of the recession.............10) And it wasn't just Bjorn Borg who got out of Sweden in the '70s and '80s. Film director Ingemar Bergman and pop band ABBA also got the hell out of there (as did thousands of other folks) and I'll say it again, 85% of 0 is 0.


  1. Probably blaming teachers, just like us. IMO, its not about vouchers, teacher unions, public v private, it is about good teachers, less administrative crap and supportive parents'
    There are a few , even in little places out in the hinterlands.

  2. "it is about good teachers"

    When performance-enhancing measures such as merit pay are discouraged, and tenure is in place (ensuring lengthy employment for just sitting there and doing the minimum necessary work), you have bad teachers along with the good.

    Not to mention New York City spending $22 million to pay very bad teachers not to teach (click here.

    This watchdog site against the corruption of crony capitalism (click here also documents efforts to improve education so the good teachers are rewarded and the bad ones are kept away from children.


  3. Ahhhh....but Sweden still has those tall blue,eyed blondes with the big knockers.

  4. Tiger Woods's ex-wife immediately comes to mind.

  5. Tiger, Tiger, swerving right
    Smashing hydrants in the night,
    What immoral fan's tanned thigh
    Could make thee drive it thus: awry?
    And what temptress, and what slut
    Can cause thy wife, thy head to putt?
    And on thy face, the club didst beat
    With strength of righteous, jealous heat?

    The civil fine, thou hadst to pay
    But still this tale won't go away
    And with untoward blows to psyche
    Thou mightest lose thy cash from Nike

    Whence the frenzy? Whence the pain?
    In what hazard plunged thy brain?
    And what bimbo at 19th hole
    Could ensnare thy noble soul?
    When thy fans throw down their cheers,
    And water golf greens with their tears,
    Wilst thou smile their looks to see,
    As thou steps't up to the tee?

    Tiger Woods, burning bright,
    With embarrassment, thy face alight,
    What immoral fan's tanned thigh
    Dare make thee drive so much awry?


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