Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Progressive Pay-Scale

Walmart greeter - $15 an hour. Walmart CEO - $17.50 an hour. MSNBC on air host - the sky's the limit. Pimper of "green" energy - get out the wheelbarrow.


  1. Your illustration points out some of the worst characteristics of Progressive. The first shows their megalomania, arrogance, as well as ignorance and lack of qualifications to determine values in other peoples' deals.

    The latter continues with the megalomania, but here you have blatant corruption. The Progressives forcibly take (i.e. steal) the property of the rich, poor, and middle class... and then they line their pockets with it while saying it is to help the poor/workers/downtrodden. And they also roll these wheelbarrows to their well-heeled friends, as you illustrated.

  2. I went to buy light-bulbs the other day and it is getting increasingly difficult to find the older style bulbs. The other, more energy efficient but costly ones thoroughly predominated. The maker of these newer more expensive bulbs? G.E. (Jeffrey Immelt having been friends with both Bush AND Obama). Pocket-lining, indeed.

  3. RN or anybody might be adding that it is not just the progressives... a valid point.

  4. Hoover, FDR, Bush 2, and Obama - a very bipartisan thing for sure.

  5. Will said: "...Bush 2..."

    Not always. Look at the Enron scandal. It unfolded and flourished under Clinton. Enron gave Bush a lot of campaign donations... but Bush let Enron and Ken Lay take their consequences. Unlike under Clinton, the campaign donations got Enron a smile and a "Kenny Boy", but that's all. No helping hand.

  6. '..ignorance and lack of qualifications to determine values.' That's me! Even had a course in value analysis. Gold?
    intrinsic value, not of much
    practical use, rare. A $240 million 2nd me.
    Donald Trump? er, brains...looks?
    Thug rapper? dunno, the market
    must set his worth.
    ...gotta retake the course I guess. :)

  7. BB: Trump is his own boss...only he is qualified to set his pay. The thug rapper...are you a record exec paying him? If not, it isnt your affair. The baseman? Tell me which one, and which team, and I can check to see if you own that team. If not, you aren't qualified to make this decision either.

    And unless you think I am presuming something or being overly harsh, I am not qualified in any way to determine any of the values in the three examples you gave. Despite my bad hair.

  8. Many organizations use the Hay system.
    Sort of mechanical, and mostly fair. IMO, they over-rated
    marketing types and really should have hiked up their $300 ties and worked the line a few days, had no concept how to value research were either old ivory tower types or recent business grads. But it provides basic pay structure and the employee is free to impress or fail from that point. Been retired 10 years now and I remember getting big raises and bonuses for seemingly no reason and other years being a 'star'
    with no recognition. Miss it in a way.....heh, who am I kidding!

  9. I think that we can all probably agree that Robinson Cano got WAY too much.

  10. Will: We call can agree. But do we think that such disagreement requires laws to prevent this? Or government policy specifically designed to Cano would not get so much money from those who volunteer to give it to him in exchange for his services?

  11. In a free society a person has the absolute right to be foolish with his or her money for sure (protestations from nickle and dimers like wd, notwithstanding).

  12. WD? Did you misspell "dimmer", Will?


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