Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Main Problems With Obamacare

a) Price controls which will inevitably lead to shortages. b) Central planning which will undoubtedly drive up costs (either through inefficiency, fraud, or crony capitalism). c) Additional reliance on third party payments which will also drive up costs. d) Mandates, ditto. e) A massive number of exemptions which has significantly reduced the risk pool and heightened the cost for others. f) An absurdly perverse incentive and tax structure which has seemingly caused economic harm already (huge layoffs in the medical device industry)...........................................................................Look, I have no problem with giving the President some credit here in terms of getting this issue to the forefront. But the dude has never run anything and it shows. I mean, why in the hell DIDN'T he call John Mackey or the dude who runs Starbuck's? Hubris? Unfettered faith in government?


  1. Will, were any of those features you named proposed by the Heritage Foundation?

  2. A clinic run by Starbucks?
    I could go for that.

  3. Fun to make the same points (valid as they may be) over and over again.


    The system pre ACA was broken and we were all paying for it. Think Taxpayers.

    Isn't it time to put on the poblem solving thinking caps and 1) build a better mousetrap, or 2) copy a system that is functioning well (as in the Swiss system).

    The problem with ObamaCare (ACA) is ObamaCare. A cobbled together 2,000 plus page document that created a nightmare of bureaucratic inefficiency and will result in a degradation of quality care. IMNHO.

  4. I never studies the Heritage Foundation proposal from the '90s, dmarks (other than it featured an individual mandate). If I had to guess I would say that it was probably more streamlined than Obamacare.......Yeah, BB, I would definitely go to that one over the Walgreen's one for sure.......I apologize, Les. I get so many stupid comments from wd that I may have accidentally deleted one of yours. I'll try to be more careful. And I agree with you that the system prior to Obamacare definitely needed some fixing. I just prefer the John Macket/Whole Foods approach over the government model.

  5. Will: I'm sure that the Heritage plan was quite different from what was passed, and it takes a lot of imagination (and dishonesty) for someone to create, push, and sell such a claim. Looks like nothing more than an attempt to blame the failure of it on anyone other than those who created this beast.

  6. Will: notices of WD posts can easily go to email slam filters if you filter for plutocrat and gay sex words. Its all ever talks about when he keeps sending me things Not sure which of the two he must drool over the most. His hand is in people's pockets and his mind I'd in the gutter.

  7. Did you hear the latest, Will? From this morning. Obama has indicated that in one of those many instances of him legislating from the Oval Office, he will next year "allow" those who have lost their good healthcare plans under Obamacare to purchase a "bare bones" healthcare plan....


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