Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pat Condell on Progressives and Islam

"One of the few certainties in life is that if you criticize the religion of special needs, you will be called a racist by people who know perfectly well that you're not but who don't care. These people are called progressives. A progressive is what happens when a liberal goes bad."


  1. Exactly...of course, Islam has nothing to do with race. The same members of the unintelligentsia call this racism, while they insist that blocking people from university admissions for having the wrong skin color is not racist.

    Spare us from the progressives' concern for the uptrodden and unwronged.

  2. The religion of special needs... would that be kind of lke runaway uncontrolled altruism?

  3. 31 comments; 1 from dmarks, 1 from Les, and 29 from wd - none of which I read and all of which I promptly deleted. What a sicko!

  4. "On the first day of Christmas, the Col. gave to me. A spam documenting penis lengthening...

    "On the second day of Christmas, the Col. gave to me. Two diatribes and spam documenting penis lengthening..."

    "On the third day of Christmas, the Col. gave to me. Three stench posts, Two diatribes, and a spam documenting penis lengthening..."

    Uh, Will, you are indeed fortunate. You've gotten 29 days of Canardomas all in one day. At this rate, you will have gotten close to 400 of his love letters between now and the 25th.

    It is the giving season, indeed.

  5. Yeah, apparently Mr.Sanders is, Santa Claus?

  6. Is there any way that I can get this numby's crap to go directly to spam, fellas'?


  7. You know what is scary? Someone like WD is walking around with the general population......without an attendant.

  8. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. His "weinergram" comments to my blog are more likely to go to spam than the others.

  9. RN said: "Yeah, apparently Mr.Sanders is, Santa Claus?"

    Yeah, if it is a Santa that takes instead of gives, and makes sounds from below the floor instead of on the roof.

  10. Russ, you would not believe how many comments that this guy sends me every week. Yeah, I would go with, "scary", as an appropriate adjective for sure.......Yeah, dmarks, Robin Hood Claus would probably be a more appropriate title for the guy.

  11. Remembering, of course, Will, that a progressive Robin Hood would, as any progressive advocates, rob from the rich and poor to give to the King.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. He's happy being him. For whatever reasons.


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