Tuesday, December 10, 2013

On Bill O'Reilly's Umteenth War on the "War on Christmas"/Oy Vey

What is it with this guy? He's like that hack comic on "Seinfeld" (Kenny Bania) who's seemingly fixated on Nestle's Quick, Bosco, and Ovaltine. It's like, "Yes, Bill-O, there are some crazy people in this country and they do some crazy things, but out of a population of some 300 million plus, we really need to learn to live with it, me-bucko. And, besides, aren't there are many more important things to worry about these days (the war on soft-core lesbian pornography, for example)?"


  1. Bill is going to write his next book about "The War On Christmas" I hear. It will no doubt be a best seller among the socon bible thumpers all over America.

    I see Bill O is onto the exploration of Mandela's passing on tonight's show. Think I'll watch it. Maybe babble boy will make sense tonight. We'll see.

  2. Leave it to me to go to the more moderate lesbian porn, huh, Jerry?......The thing is, Les, if I'm going to watch reruns, it's probably going to be of "Friends" (Courteney Cox- meow) and "Seinfeld" and not this ham 'n egger. I mean, it was like, "Really, Bill, the 'War on Christmas' AGAIN?"


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