Friday, December 20, 2013

On Michele Bachmann's Husband Trying to "Cure" Homosexuals

This is the dude. Ya' thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?


  1. I think I'm thinking what you're

  2. Can he get Ariana's husband back for her? Or just get Ariana's husband?

  3. And if his treatment WERE effective (and not it isn't), perhaps WD, who sent me this private message a couple of days ago, might be interested: "likely he would enthusiastically pound out his member and shoot a geyser"

    If not in the treatment, perhaps just in a date with this guy.

  4. The man needs a hobby, Will. I don't know about you, but I'm getting damn sick and tired of WD sending me graphic gay sex messages, several every day.

    It all started when he tried to post a few stupid "you suck" comments on my blog. Whether or not they were spam is something that can be argued. But I banned him. His reaction was to "show me" what spam was by sending me dozens of penis comments for the next two weeks.

    He could have instead chosen to talk about Xanax or casinos (also common spam subjects). But the fact that he chose one spam subject and went to town on it quite lustily... well, it might say something, mayhaps? Not that there's anything wrong with that...

    In any case, this is a formal request for WD to stop sending me anything at all.


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