Saturday, December 21, 2013

On Crack Prosecutions of Blacks Being Proof of a Racist Criminal Justice System

Maybe. Maybe not. I cite specifically several critical points. a) It was black leadership (Charlie Rangel immediately comes to mind) that initially sounded this alarm about crack and it was also them who called for these stiffer sentences (a point that obviously makes it much harder for them to scream racism now). b) Only about 5,000 black people a year are prosecuted for crack while the total black population in prisons, jails, 858,000. OBVIOUSLY, most of the black folks in prison are in there for violent activity. And c) While, yes, most of the people in prison for crack offenses are black, it is also true that most of the people in prison for meth-amphetamine offenses are white. I mean, is it not at least partially feasible that the people in prison are in there for the crimes that THEY do?


  1. It's a sort of racism that seeks to excuse the crime due to the skin color, Will.

  2. The sort of "soft bigotry" that claims that all criticism of Obama is due to white, anti-black racism. Illogically claimed for all criticism, including the majority of criticism that has nothing to do with race.

  3. Yes, the Left is very bigoted and racist. I definitely agree. They accuse Conservatives, but they are the true racists. Why do so many minorities vote Democratic, I wonder?

  4. I don't care what Obama's skin color is... I don't agree with his Leftist politics. According to Democrats, this makes me a "racist".


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