Tuesday, December 31, 2013

On the Government Simultaneously Subsidizing Rich Tobacco Farmers and Bankrolling Anti-Smoking Campaigns

Left hand, right hand. Right hand, left hand.


  1. As someone who is opposed to crony capitalism, and also who believes that the First Amendment implies that the government should not waste money on advertising, I believe that all corporate welfare subsidies to these farmers should be $0. And the advertising campaigns (like all funding to NPR, PBS, etc) should be $0 as well.

    If you look at the necessary, Constitutional functions of the federal government, stealing from the rich and poor to give to rich farmers is not one of them. Nor is wasting millions of this stolen money for official government media to express the opinions of some of our rulers.

    Imagine all the poor kids who could get vaccinations with this money...

  2. It's the federal government. Nothing else need be said.

  3. The worst government on the planet. Except for just about all the others.


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