Tuesday, December 31, 2013

CNN's Don Lemon on MSNBC

 "a bunch of people on the left who all agree with each other, and there's no diversity of opinion. And they're saying mean, smug things about people who may disagree with them." Good for Mr. Lemon, telling it like it is.


  1. I guess MSNBC's resident socialist c*^t Ms.Perry made an unsavory remark about Mitt Romney's adopted black grandchild.She then was forced to apologize.

    Even Keith Olbermann asked "are there any adults over there?"

    The donkeys at MSNBC seem to be trying to one up each other.

  2. Wow, even Olbermann was offended. Now that is saying something.

  3. Rusty: It's not the first time there was such racism on MSNBC. It won't be the last. Toure was a famous example, when he, on MSNBC, railed against black men as typically being sexual predators. (That he was black himself did not negate this at all: racism lies in the content of statements, not the color of skin. It only showed how stupid Toure is).

    There are other examples also.

    They tend to be worse at this than Fox News is.

    As for Ms. Harris-Perry, she seems to be quite alarmed at the idea of blacks and whites being in the same family. In this, she has a lot in common with the KKK, who, like her, would scream bloody murder over this.

    From peddling feat of black men as rapists to bashing multi-racial families, racism is alive and well in the American Left.

  4. Above, that is "fear" of black men that Toure tried to gin up, not "feat;...

  5. Rusty: And say what you will about Fox News, do you think that there is anyone at all on that channel who would have a sh*t-fit over interracial families? Really doubting it...

  6. Fox, save for Hannity, Fox and Friends, and a small slew of others, has actually gotten borderline mainstream lately.

  7. Silly to see how nutty progressives get over Fox News, the lone major national net that tilts to the right. Such contempt for our First Amendment freedoms. They get in a tizzy and organize boycotts and censorship efforts. If they don't like it they should just change the channel for crying out loud.


  8. I kind of like watching FOX's

    The Five......you have three conservative's.....one liberal....and Greg Guttfeld.

    Oh yea......did I mention they have the "leg chair."

    MSNBC tried to rip it off with a show called The Cycle that except for Jon Huntsman's smoking hot daughter really suck's.

    Question: When they named her,do you think Kyrstal Ball's parents realized what their last name was?

  9. If I had a choice between watching Toure' and Dana Perino, yeah, I'd probably have to go with "The Five" as well.


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