Saturday, December 21, 2013

On Fascism, Continued

According to the University of Hawaii's, R.J. Rummel (a political science professor and researcher), a grand total of 262 MILLION citizens have been slaughtered at the hands of their own governments over the past 113 years (more than 6 times the number that have been killed in wars). He refers to this phenomenon as democide and I would hazard a guess here that, yes, it constitutes a form of fascism. 


  1. And, Will, it shows what liars the advocates of single-payer are when they fling around made-up numbers of those who die in the US because the government does not control all health care. The same liars will never quote informative stats like you do on those whose lives are snuffed out by the velvet-gloved iron hand of the state.

  2. dmarks points out that under a single payer system more people will die. But the Liberals lie and say it is our current system that results in a large number of people dying. Surely ObamaCare will kill more? What do you think?

    1. Barlowe: most claims of such fatalities are fluff. Obamacare kills jobs and starves family budgets more than anything else.

    2. Come on dmarks, don't leave out the effects of globalization, offshoring, and increasing use of robotics for fewer jobs domestically. ObamaCare is but a drop in the bucket of job loss.

    3. Les: Yes... my wording was referring to comparing different things that Obamacare may or may not do. Not to anything outside it. That is... Obamacare harms jobs more than Obamacare kills.

  3. For a long time they thought that Stalin was the #1 killer but when you throw in those multiple faminines in China I guess that Mr. Chairman is now the king.

  4. Hey Barlowe. I'm sure that there are a certain number of people who die because of the inefficiencies in our system but I'm also quite certain that there are a fair number of folks in England and Canada who also perish simply while waiting for care. The key here is to take the best parts of our good system and improve upon them.

    1. And a certain number perish here because they have no insurance, or poor coverage and realistically just don't get the best quality of care. Soon everybody will be getting a reduced quality of care.

      For me it remains the mountain and a blanket at end of life.

  5. Another example of government killing people is the FDA taking 15 frigging years to get a damned drug on the market. Stupid morons.

    1. If only the focus was on healthy eating, education, exercise, preventative, and not reactive after the fact high priced drugs.

      Don't get me started.

  6. The best way to reduce health care prices IMO is to radically reduce the presence of third party payers. To do so would greatly increase the competition and make the patient a much more selective consumer.


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