Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cancer Survival Rates - England Versus the United States (Data from Lancet Oncology)

Men, the United States - 66%. Men, England - 45%. Women, the United States - 63%. Women, England - 53%. So, you all still want that kick-ass single-payer healthcare system?


  1. England has a death-panel mentality, Will. That goes hand in hand with single-payer.

  2. "Some years down the pike, we're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes. It's going to be that we're actually going to take Medicare under control, and we're going to have to get some additional revenue, probably from a VAT. But it's not going to happen now." Paul Krugman 2010.

  3. Sounds like the Krugmonster really wants to fire up the ovens...

    The revolution is coming, and by wanting death panels, Paul wants the elderly, the disabled, the medically fragile, and the infirm up against the wall first.

    And to fund it, he wants to the most powerful organization, already the most wealthy and receiving a near-record high amount of revenue, to rob even more from the people.

    It's not just death and taxes. It's taxes to fund death. And so many progressives admire this man, with his combination of bloodlust and greed.

  4. I suspect that he probably got a phone call from the White House after that one.

  5. I was not aware of his statement, Will. It sort of makes the death panel claims by Sarah Palin irrelevant: Pres. Obama is on record as really preferring single payer, and one of his most passionately devoted Royal Court Megaphones wants single payer partially for the death panels.

  6. The government that governs best governs least. Single Payer, where the government controls the health care system, is a very bad idea.

  7. And no, Les. I am not claiming that Obamacare is single payer. And Palin is still incorrect to say that it is.

    1. And to clear this up: the other blog I might possibly leave scholarly criticism of Mr. Sanders' angst-filled homoerotic novellas is not yours. Its another. My recent comment on your blog, concerning this subject, was a slipup.

  8. Will: By the way, I will at this point stop reporting on the graphic gay sex fantasies that WD spends hours each day pounding out and sending to my inbox. You don't deserve to have your blog turned into a crap-fest. I might respond to the shovel-fulls he sends me from time to time, but only on the other blog he expects to find such responses at.

    I know you have enough problems with him as it is.

  9. It doesn't bother me. The dude's gonna perpetrate his nonsense no matter what anyway.

    1. He's been kind of quiet lately, I mean publically anyway.

      He stopped spamming my site and to be clear he never spammed me with the kind of e-mails and comemts you guys get.


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