Saturday, November 9, 2013

Toward a Workable Governance

New Mexico is one of the most liberal states in the country and not only did Gary Johnson get elected Governor there, the dude got reelected via a double-digit margin. The man obviously knows how to govern.........................................................................He also represents a significant (albeit far too quiet) minority amongst the American electorate in voters who are fiscally conservative, socially liberal/tolerant noninterventionists. Of course, a lot of those same people who would have normally voted for a fellow like Johnson probably steered cleared of him (in 2012) because they didn't think that he could win and didn't want to throw their vote away. My hope is that the next time the dude can reach whatever it is that that threshold is and get himself  up on that debate stage. 'Cause I'm tellin' ya' here, if those Ds and those Rs continue to trot out numb-nuts straight out of central casting, he's gonna look darn good, and he's gonna look darn good to folks from across the political spectrum.


  1. Hear Hear my friend!

    When will America wake up and truly recognize the dream our founders held for their fledgling nation?

    The above of course is a rhetorical question. One nonetheless deserving of open discussion and ultimately an answer.

  2. In Johnson's reelection bid, the Dems fielded this progressive Hispanic candidate (again, right out of central casting) who they thought was going to bury Johnson and Johnson won by 10 percentage points. That proves to me that if people are shown effectiveness, they'll probably vote for it regardless of party.

  3. You pretty much summed it up in a nutshell.

  4. Is Mr. Johnson going to run for president again? I might be willing to vote for him, depending on how bad the Republican candidate is... but I doubt it. Although he was able to get elected to a governorship, he can't possibly win the presidency. The system is rigged against him.

  5. Welcome back, Barlowe. And, yeah, I agree with you. The 2 main parties continue to have a stranglehold.

  6. It is clear he rejects the worship of power and authority that is at the center of progressive/ leftist ideology. And some of the right as well. Based on that,I would think he would improve things. How effective had he really been though?

    1. It is a rare politician/lawmaker that isn't concerned about and actively involved in activity to enhance their on power and influence over OTHERS for their own personal satisfaction and gain. Republicans are as guilty as Democrats and Libertarians. To think and believe otherwise is indeed naive.

  7. I guess that he set some sort of American record for the most vetoes ever by a governor. That I personally found quite impressive.

  8. I guess that that's why we constantly need to have checks on their power.

  9. Will said: "I guess that that's why we constantly need to have checks on their power."

    Due to human nature and the corrupting influence of power, the only interests we can count on our representatives to represent is their own personal interest. That is why we have elections and the criminal justice system to help reign them in. It is also why we have the limitations on those who rule found in the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution.

  10. And the free press and the media are supposed to play a major role as well (yes, "supposed to", being the operant words).

  11. Did I forget to mention the ever present corrupting influence of money?

    BIG problem.


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