Friday, November 8, 2013

On Obamacare "Navigators" Not Having to Undergo Background Checks

This is just getting more disturbing by the day.


  1. You think Obamacare is bad now, wait until the web site works and people can successfully enroll...

  2. It sounds like most of the states are going to see rate hikes.

  3. Once you look past how it forces employers to downgrade full time workers to part time, encourages married couples to divorce, sharpy increases insurance premiums, causes the numbers of unemployed to get a lot larger, and the failed website made by ObamaCo cronies, the ACA is really a great success!

  4. Just a bit of hyperbole there methinks dmarks. No one is going to get divorced because of the ACA for starters.

  5. A lot at this point hinges on those 7 million young people (their target) signing up. If they don't, I'm afraid that it's toast.


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