Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On Sarah Palin Recently Referring to Moderates as "Road-Kill"

I'm going to tell this biotch the same exact thing that I've uttered to every other individual who's tried to slander centrists. a) We aren't moderate on everything and we arrive at this via an open mind on literally every issue. b) The point to being moderate is an understanding that systematizing, doctrine, and ideological rigidity (whether it be the Keynesian foolishness of the left or the neoconservative foolishness of the right) are not only ineffectual but dangerous and that compromise in and of  itself is a virtue and not a vice. c) And, while, yes, it can in fact be dangerous at times to assume a centrist position (slings and arrows from every direction), rarely is it lethal (no roadkill as far as I can fathom) and at the very minimum you have to keep your wits about you in a way that the likes Sarah Palin have rarely shown capable, thank you very much.


  1. Frankly I prefer an active thinking mind to an open mind. Here's why. A wide open mind can and often does collect a lot of junk and clutter. An open mind in and of itself does not mean that said open mind is actually thinking.

    My premise is that Sarah Palin in fact has an open mind albeit an She has collected a lot of junk and since her mind is not actively thinking she is easily manipulated by others smarter than herself. Thus the wonderful platitudes loved by the TP choir.

    Yep, an active and thinking mind is what one wants to consistently maintain. For the rest, well, a trip to Wasilla and you will be able to see Russia from Sarah's porch.

  2. When I said, open, I kinda meant unbiased and persuadable (neither of which Ms. Palin is) but your point is also well taken.

  3. Yeah, I knew what ya meant Will. Just wanted to have some Thanksgiving Eve fun. ;-)

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend. The best to yours as well.


  4. Last night I watchedd a real bright light of the Republican party on CSPAN.

    Her name is Ana Navarro,she was the Hispanic co-chair of the Huntsman campaign and is now working towards moderation in the party.Ana is bright,smart,articulate and right on the mark.

    Check her out if you ever get the opportunity.

  5. Les, your comments are always well thought out and perceptive and this was no different. Thanks.......I will check her out, Russ. As you know, I have a very favorable opinion of Mr. Huntsman (though I still wish that he would look at the actual evidence pertaining to global warming; the satellite data, the ARGO data, the data from the University of Illinois Arctic Science Research Center, the hurricane data from FSU, etc. and not be quite so differential to "officialdom").

  6. I consider a certain individual's deep contempt for moderates also. (the guy who likes to send piles of comments to both our blogs even though they never get posted). He has a lot in common with Sarah Palin, it appears. Definitely not "unbiased and persuadable", and that is for starters.


    Rusty: Thanks for the heads up....

  7. IMO, moderates are disliked by partisans for a couple of reasons:
    they are unpredictable, not following any party line, and
    partisan folk suffer the old dictum, "if you're not with us,
    you're against us." Neither of which are particularly sensible.

  8. BB: True... but only to a point. Some moderates are hardcore ideologues like many on the left or right. But the position they defend happens to be one that is toward the center.

    Or on the better side, some moderates are quite predictable (rather than unpredictable). Like Will here... who does a pretty good job with having consistency and principle driving his political views. Such leads to predictability.

  9. How 'bout predictably unpredictable? I kinda like the sound of that one.......As far as I'm concerned, I'm to the left of Obama on gay marriage, civil liberties, and immigration, and to the right of him on healthcare, energy, and the deficit (Bowles-Simpson, I mostly support that type of approach). So, yeah, I guess that I'm more or less a centrist.

  10. Pretty funny. WD tried to leave a couple dozen comments on my dormant blog. Since in the past he has posted dozens comments about his penis )or comments that whined that I didn't comment about his penis comments), I let them sit in the spam filter un-read. The "unthinkin' one", to borrow a phrase from RN, has a hobby, at least. I suppose we can be thankful for that.

  11. It appears that the conservatives and liberals here have no problems with your centrism. No unpursuadable canardo's in the bunch.


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