Tuesday, November 26, 2013

On Patrick J. Buchanan

The last straw for me? Probably when he started defending all of those Nazi war criminals....A little bit hard to take, don't ya' think?


  1. He's just a silly old man who's time has come and gone.....no one pays any attention to him.....

  2. Yes Will I agree. PB is one I thought many years ago was a principled model conservative. Turns out he can be a jackass.

  3. He does have a different, almost naïve interpetation of the WWII era.

  4. A few years ago I read his column in which he was emphatic that Hitler's Nazi Germany was harmless and minding its own business, and Winston Churchill was the true arch-fiend of WW2.

    His modern views are "national socialist" as well, as he wants the rulers to crush the people and their interests (in areas such as trade, for example) in the interest of his form of the Strength of the Fatherland.

  5. Wasn't he a big Reaganite at one point?


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