Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Note to Sean Hannity 3

You're right. Many laws in this country have been overturned. But they've been overturned via additional legislation, through elections, and via the Supreme Court ruling on them, NOT by some demagogic partisan fool rambling about them for 21 hours................................................................................Look, I don't particularly care for Obamacare, either (not to mention the way that he unilaterally delayed the employer mandate). But it's the law, dude. You're just going to have to accept the thing, at least for a while. There, now go change your damned pampers.


  1. His education seems to consist of an honorary degree from Falwell's
    Liberty University. While I find him without credibility, millions hang on his every word. Surely a
    downward trend in the Fr. Coughlin

  2. Obama could find a cure for pancreatic cancer and he'd still give him the once over. Thank the Lord that Fox is finally bouncing him from 9PM.


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