Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Note to the Republicans, Addendum

I would also suggest that you walk the walk a little bit here and look to the private sector. John Mackey of Whole Foods, in particular, has put forth an outstanding health-care plan that just might be a template for the entire nation. The plan provides to his employees (at no cost to them) a high deductible ($2,500) policy, and then he supplements that with a $1,800 a year stipend deposited directly into a personal health savings account that accrues over time. The plan all but eliminates the middle-man (excepting of course for major illnesses) and it does so in a way that fosters competition and empowers the individual. If I were you folks, I would pick this fellow's brain until I could come up with something tangible for the whole (no pun intended) damned country.............................................................................................P.S. Just for the record here, there were some people who did complain about this new approach, and so Mr. Mackey ended up giving his employees a choice between what I just described above and the previous HMO model. 77% of the people opted to stay with the new approach.


  1. Perhaps it is a bit late? ObamaCare, aka the ACA for those ill informed that think they are different thing, is here to stay.

    Prediction... 25 to 40 years hence single payer will be the operative system in the USA.

    Prediction 2... 50 to 75 years republicans will be talking about a lock box.

    Thankfull I'll be atomic particles floating about somewhere in the cosmos.

  2. Atoms floating in the cosmos seems
    nice compared to Ted Williams stuck
    in liquid nitrogen someplace...

  3. I'm kind of like George Carlin. I want to live long enough to see the whole thing explode and then be the final one to detonate.

  4. BB, are they still messing around with the Splendid Splinter like that?

  5. http://rationalnationusa.blogspot.com/2013/10/perhaps-it-is-too-late-something-to.html


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