Sunday, September 15, 2013

This is Your Last Warning, wd

I've asked you on more than several occasions to cease and desist with the comments and yet you continue to spam me with your partisan and knee-jerk idiocy. If I have to tell you again, I will file a complaint with the server on grounds of harassment. You have your own blog-site and so use it. There, now have a pleasant (albeit marginal) existence and vanish.


  1. Looks like you have a stalker on your hands Will and a crazy one at that.

    Did'nt the twit do the exact same thing to dmarks?

  2. Back when WD was in full "Andrew Weiner" mode and sending me several comments per day about male genitalia for a couple of weeks, I shoved them all into spam. After a while they went there automatically.

    Rusty: he did stop a while ago. Truth be told, my blog was relatively boring when active and kind of dormant now.

  3. Will, I gave Mr. Sanders a free hand to post at RN USA in so long as he refrains from ad hominem personal attacks on other commenters. I acknowledged your respectful response to my request. Please feel free to continue commenting on his relatively absurd posts and purely hyper partisan positions. If his response is out of line with my commenting policy it won't get published. The dude certainly seems to have issues.

  4. I feel another half-dozen posts at "Sleeping at the Devil", in retaliation to this, coming on.

    Lord knows there is nothing going on in the world of any import, and the most newsworthy matters of the day are expression of a bromance with one of a zillion Blogspot political bloggers.

  5. Turns out the spam filter keeps the stuff. I checked and more than 30 from WD, using his own name, Will's name, and the "Anonymous Spammer" id (he admitted to the latter two), mostly at the end of February. The truth fits my usual description of dozens over the space of a couple of weeks.... from Feb 18 to March 4.

    Typical content of most of WD's comments to me included "The typical erect p*nis is usually 5 to 6 inches long with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches."

    WD went on and on and on about it. Not sure what happened on March 4 to stop him. Maybe he somehow got the idea his comments didn't excite me. Or perhaps Blogger started to automatically deep-six his Weinergrams.

  6. And Rusty, be glad you don't have a blog of your own. I'm sure Weiner Dervish would have tried to expose himself on it, one way or another.

  7. I guess that I'm just going to have to try the spam thing again. Hopefully it'll work for me, too.


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