Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Forecast Calls for Embarrassment

Back in the late '80s and early '90s, James Hansen and his side-kick, Ben Santer, made a series of temperature predictions based upon their models. They basically put forth three possible scenarios; a) if the world made no corrective measures relative to CO2 (in which case there would be a massive increase in global temperatures), b) if the world make modest corrective measures relative to CO2 (in which case there would be a moderate increase in global temperatures), and c) if the world made draconian measures relative to CO2 (in which case there would only be a slight increase in global temperatures)....And guess what, people - THEY WERE WRONG!!!! Yeah, that's right, the true temperature increases have actually come in UNDER what these two fellows predicted WITH the draconian cuts in CO2! I mean, talk about an embarrassing situation.


  1. I assume you believe this is all bunk also.

    "Scientists will this week issue their starkest warning yet about the mounting dangers of global warming. In a report to be handed to political leaders in Stockholm on Monday, they will say that the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation have now led to a warming of the entire globe, including land surfaces, oceans and the atmosphere.

    Extreme weather events, including heatwaves and storms, have increased in many regions while ice sheets are dwindling at an alarming rate. In addition, sea levels are rising while the oceans are being acidified – a development that could see the planet's coral reefs disappearing before the end of the century."

  2. The IPCC is an embarrassment, Jerry, and, yes, it's total bunk. There has been no increase in atmospheric temperatures for 16 years (per the satellites and the radiosonde balloons - this, despite the fact that we have been pumping copious amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere) and there certainly hasn't been a positive feedback loop. And there hasn't been any significant reduction in global sea ice over the past 30 years (this, from the U of Illinois's Arctic Research Center) and the oceans aren't warming, either (this, from the ARGO system). The emperor truly has no clothes, Jerry, and this is 100% about governments wanting to tax the people.

  3. Oh, and hurricanes (Ryan Maue, FSU) and tornadoes aren't increasing. either. Yes, there are slightly more tornadoes being documented but that's because of the Dopler radar and population growth not because of the 3 tenths of a degree warming over the past 34 years.......Jerry, you're an open-minded guy. Go to Youtube and watch the debate between Richard Lindzen/Michael Crichton and Gavin Schmidt and that lady from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Watch it tell me if you still think that what the IPCC and Al Gore have been saying is gospel.

  4. Will: Does IPCC have any of those East Anglia "our theory works if you leave out inconvenient evidence, file frivolous lawsuits against those who expose this" bozos?

  5. Jerry: Let's call off chasing the climate-change rainbow, and focus on real pollutants, ok?

  6. Real pollutants? Like the republicans?

  7. If protecting worker rights to a secret ballot by stopping "card check" makes them a pollutant, then we need more of it.

  8. I think that there are pollutants on both sides (people like Bachman, Gohmert, and Palin on the right, Wasserman Schultz, Frank, and Pelosi on the left), gents.

  9. But of course, someone driven by partisanship instead of truthful evaluation and issues might see only "pollutants" on one side.

  10. No mystery as to who you're referring to here (and, no, Jerry, it isn't you this time) and I obviously concur.


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