Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sorry, Shaw

But ocean acidification is largely just another scare tactic (acid is such a scary/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde term) by the global warming alarmist crowd. First of all, the ocean hasn't been acid for over 600 million years and it obviously isn't acid now (the pH level is well over 7 and the limestone isn't dissolving). And, secondly, the ocean already has far, far, far, far, MORE CO2 than the atmosphere and this has historically been a good thing (marine organisms and coral reefs both need CO2 in order to flourish - the former for skeletal and shell growth, the latter for photosynthesis) for oceans/ocean-life...................................................................................Now, this isn't to say that the oceans are in tip-top shape. They obviously aren't. But to try and blame it on atmospheric CO2 going from 270 ppm to 390 ppm (yes, some of which is due to human activity) and not on garbage, waste, chemicals, tailings, plastics, etc. is almost comical if you truly think about it................................................................................Oh, and, get this. What the AGW people are advocating here (i.e., a reduction in atmospheric temperatures) would probably cause MORE "acidification". This, in that the oceans actually hold more CO2 when they're cold and would in fact probably get more cold if we were to reduce atmospheric temps. I mean, hello!


  1. The amount of CO2 absorbed in seawater is a function of both the temperature of the water and the CO2 concentration in the air. The effect of an almost 50% increase in atmospheric CO2 more than offsets the effect of the small temperature increase in the seawater temperature. Furthermore, acidification does not mean the oceans are acidic. It means that the pH is being lowered, moving towards an acid condition. The increase in atmospheric CO2 and the acidification of the ocean in shown in this figure.

  2. A couple of points, Jerry. a) The total CO2 in the atmosphere (of which we contribute only 4%) is 800 gigatonnes. b) The total CO2 in the oceans is 40,000 gigatonnes (i.e., 50 times as much as in the atmosphere and so how can atmosphere be the primary mover of it?). c) The current CO2 in the atmosphere is showing a half life of 35 years. d) The CO2 from man-made carbon emissions is only 5 years and so ergo the CO2 is probably/mostly coming from another source.......That and I strongly believe that the warming is causing the CO2 increases and not vice versa. I mean, we all know fully well that heating water cause the gasses to evaporate, right?

  3. And you're seemingly admitting here that the 50% rise in atmospheric CO2 has only created a "small temperature increase in the seawater temperature" (actually the ARGO system says NO increase).

  4. If ocean warming was the cause of the increase in atmospheric CO2, the ocean pH would be increasing and the ocean CO2 would be decreasing. Just the opposite is happening which would be the case when atmospheric CO2 is dissolving in the seawater.

  5. Those aren't the only 2 variables, Jerry. There are underwater volcanoes, bacteria, plate tectonics that explode CO2 into the water, decaying ocean life, etc.. The miniscule amount of CO2 that humans account for is but a tiny blip in the constant cycle of absorption and emitting.......And why aren't the oceans warming, Jerry? We've added 28% more man-made CO2 into the atmosphere and the Argo system shows zero ocean warming. Surely this must give you pause that we are the true center of the universe.

  6. The ARGO system (easily the most reliable indicator) says no ocean warming since 2003 (there probably was from 1975 to 1998 but zero since El Nino).

  7. "The sky is falling"
    - Chicken Little.

  8. Oh My God! We have dmarks quoting Rusty (see the comments). The circle of stupidity is complete!

  9. Actually, Jerry, I was referencing your disproven comment about oceans. If there is any "circle of stupidity", you are whirling in it. By the way, your link went to WD's blogger profile and had nothing to do with..... Rusty????

  10. The problem for alarmists is that the data currently used is unimpeachable; satellites (which measure not only temperatures but outgoing radiation), radiosonde balloons, the ARGO system, the devices used by the University of Illinois to measure global ocean ice, etc.. The only thing that they really have left is ad hominem attacks, lies, and character assassination.

  11. Thanks for the corrected link, Jerry. As I suspected was the case, Rusty nailed it. His response countered the post's paranoid ravings of extremely likely future events which were "backed up" by faked, discredited "evidence" and willfully inaccurate descriptions of current events and the historic data.

    WTG Rusty.

  12. Jerry, dmarks and Russ aren't stupid and neither are you. You're just 3 spirited fellows who disagree politically, that's all.


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