Friday, September 27, 2013

Revisionist Misery

I predicted it, folks; a) that Iraq would eventually descend back in to chaos and b) that Obama would be blamed for it. The latest partisan ramrod to jump on the bandwagon is Ann Coulter, articulating that Obama "snatched defeat from the jaws of victory (injecting also her opinion that Iraq was a 'smashing success')."............................................................................Of course Ms. Coulter uttered this idiot phrase while a guest on the equally cartoonish Sean Hannity show, and so, no, she really didn't have to defend that comment from questions such as, "So, how frigging long did we have to keep that finger in the dike and did you know that we had to leave via an agreement that Bush himself frigging signed (Obama actually wanted to keep a residual force of 10,000 troops but the Iraqis said, 'nada'), bitch?" Not that the lady ever really answers questions honestly, mind you.

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