Friday, September 27, 2013

On Bill O'Reilly's Recent Segment on American Incivility

Not the pot calling the kettle black/damned ironic enough.


  1. Like him or not......he's got yet another gigantic best seller on his hands...

  2. I buy a lot of history books, but
    not O'Reilly. As I suspect, the reviews pretty much follow my
    (admittedly unread) suspicions:
    "But what you won’t find is television idiot Bill O’Reilly’s new book about the Lincoln Assassination — because it’s so full of ridiculous mistakes and errors and blunders and outright falsehoods that the historians fear some “regular non-Fox News people” might accidentally buy the book as a souvenir and then become mouth-breathing cretins."
    -banned from the shelves of the National Park Service-

  3. I wouldn't buy an O'Reilly book, either, but that review sounds a smidge hyperbolic (of course I haven't read the missive, either).

  4. My attitude, who cares about O'Reilly or his book(s).

  5. He lost me at the part where Booth sped away from the assassination in a 1953 DeSoto.

  6. Being that I just went off on wd, I probably shouldn't judge him in this regard. But he recently had Howard Kurtz (a pretty down the middle kind of guy) on and he literally didn't let the dude finish a sentence. It's like, why even have guests?


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