Saturday, September 14, 2013

On Obama and Syria

1) If the President ultimately decides to launch missiles toward Syria, he will be doing so with zero international/U.N. support, zero support from N.A.T.O., zero support from the Congress (his own party has rejected this notion), and zero support from the American public. If a Republican President were on the cusp of doing something similarly, the American left would be crucifying him and the American left would be justified.............2) Yes, the utilization of chemical weapons is a violation of international law/the Geneva Protocol of 1925. But international law is being violated every day on this globe. Why in the hell are we (i.e., the President, Secretary Kerry, etc.) picking this as the singular atrocity to which we're going to respond militarily to?...And in the middle of a frigging civil war (a civil war in which there have obviously been atrocities on BOTH sides), too, for Christ. It makes no sense!............3) My suspicion is that when the President laid down that ridiculous little red-line of his, he never once thought that the Syrians would challenge him on it. But they apparently did (this, though I still haven't ruled out the possibility that the rebels did it in that the Assad forces were winning and really didn't need to go this route) and we are where we are because of it. Thank you, Mr. President (Mr. Clinton would have never shown this level of incompetence).............4) Saddam Hussein killed and tortured infinitely more civilians than Assad and his father, Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, the Saudi royal family, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, and Hamas combined. All of these hard-core stooges who are now advocating action on humanitarian grounds but who  were utterly silent during Hussein's ugly reign of terror really need to be shamed, in my opinion.............5) And to be fair, there are obviously some hypocrites on the right as well. A lot of these Senators (such as Mitch "the bitch" McConnell) who were so petrified about Hussein having WMD and wanting to disarm him and who now acting as if they were isolationists are pretty darn shameful, too, me-buckos.


  1. And Joe Biden, ever in a daze, said "Why would the President want to attack the voice in his iPhone, y'all?"

  2. At this point, I would almost rather have Biden on top.

  3. Shock & Awe deja vu. At least this time there is some thought and discussion.

  4. Really Will? I'm trying to wrap my head around that thought.

    2016, actually post 2014 mid term election, should prove to be very entertaining. I can barely wait to find out which democrat buffoon and which republican buffoon will get the nod.

    I'm still hoping for a Johnson/Huntsman candidacy. And I'd be okay in either order really.

    Yeah, I know. A pipe dream.

  5. Shaw's claims to the contrary, the Democratic clown car in 2016 will be no less goofy than the Republican one.

    And Biden will have a dozen more or so gaffes under his belt by then.

  6. Johnson and Huntsman would be a sensational ticket.


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