Sunday, August 18, 2013

Souces Verifying the Medieval Warm Period

1) Steig, et. al. (1998) "Science" - North America.......2) Huang, et. al. (1997) "Geophysical Research Letters" - all continents.......3) Broecker (2001) "Science" - California.......4) Holzhauser (1997) "Palaoklimaforschung" - the Alps.......5) Hormes, et. al. (1998) "Radiocarbon" - the Alps.......6) Hormes, et. al. (2001) "The Holocene" - the Alps.......7) Hormes, et. al. (2003) "New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics" - New Zealand.......8) Thachuk (1983) "Origins" - the Vikings.......9) Arendes (2007) "Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschraft" - Germany....... 10) Fagan (2000) "The Little Ice Age" (book) - Norway.......11) Pohl (1984) "International Journal of Earth Sciences" - the Alps.......12) Hyde (1935) "Procedings of the American Philosophical Society" - Switzerland (that landmark discovery of those Roman period mines).......13) Filippi, et. al. (1999) "Journal of Paleolimnology" - Switzerland.......14) Andren, et. al. (2000) "Boreas" - the Baltic Sea.......15) Berglund (2003) "Quaternary International" - Scandinavia.......16) Schilman (2001) "Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology" - The Mediterranean.......17) Schoell (1978) "Geology of Lake Van Kurtman" (book) - Turkey.......18) Nicholson (1980) "The Sahara and the Nile" (book) - the Sahara.......19) Issar (1989) "Paleoclimatology and Paleometeorology" - Israel.......20) Frumkin (1991) "The Holocene" - Israel.......21) Hassan (1981) "Science" - the Nile.......22) Esper, et. al. (2002) "The Holocene" - Pakistan.......23) Verschusen, et. al. (2000) "Nature" - East Africa.......24) Tyson, et. al. (2000) "South African Journal of Science" - South Africa.......25) Chen (1973) "Scientia Sinica" - China.......26) Saho (1981) "Climate and History" (book) - China.......27) Zhang, et. al. (1989) "Journal of Climate" - China.......28) Deer (1994) "Climatic Change" - China.......29) Feng (1993) "The Holocene" - China.......30) Caho (1986) "Man and Land in China" (book) - China.......31) Yang (2002) "Geophysical Research Letters" - China.......32) Zhibang (2003) "Chinese Science Bulletin" - China.......33) Kitiwaga (1995) "Geophysical Research Letters" - Japan.......34) Daniels, et. al. (2005) "The Holocene" - North America.......35) Hu, et. al. (2001) "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" - Alaska.......36) Campbell, et. al. (1993) "Nature" - Canada.......37) Stine (1998) "Water, Environment, and Societies in Times of Climatic Change" (book) - United States.......38) Stine (1994) "Nature" - United States.......39) Fagan (1999) "Floods, Famines, And Emperors" - United States.......40) Graumlich (2000) "U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Proceedings" - United States.......41) Campbell, et. al. (1993) "Nature" - Canada.......42) Campbell (1998) "Quarternary Research" - Canada.......43) Cioccale (1999) "Quarternary International" - South America.......44) Iriondo (1999) "Quarternary International" - South America.......45) Chepstow-Lusty (2003) "Journal of Quarternary Science" - South America.......46) Valero-Garces (2000) "Journal of Paleolimnology" - South America.......47) McGall (1995) "Pacific Islands Yearbook" - Easter Island.......48) Nunn (2007) "Climate, Environment, And Society in the Pacific During the Last Millennium" (book) - South Pacific.............I could have kept going but decided to stop at 4 dozen. You get the picture.


  1. Straw man.

  2. Greenland was green, Vinland had vines, northern hemisphere was warm and apparently Leif Ericson had his NOA thermometer in the longboat?

  3. It's not a strawman at all, wd. Mr. Mann plainly claimed (in his 1998 paper in which he debuted the now thoroughly discredited hockey-stick graph) that the Medieval Warm Period was nothing but a blip. It was only after his public humiliation that Mr. Mann came out with this "the Medieval Warm Period was only a regional event" bullshit. And as you can plainly see by these references, it wasn't a regional event but a global one (a more recent study from Hong Kong University shows that the Tibetan Plateau was also significantly warmer during the Medieval Warm Period that it presently is).

  4. Yes, BB, and they also planted crops and dug cemetery graves. Try doing either of those 2 things today.

  5. They are again growing some crops
    in Greenland . Vinland
    seems to be doing OK as well.

  6. Only about 1% of Greenland is presently arable. That's a huge distinction from 1,000 years ago.


  7. You are a sneaky one Will Hart,its finally hit me what you are doing to WD.

    You allow one of his comments through,causing him to spend two or three days researching,then another two days writing a 40,000 word post opposing what you have said in 100 words.

    Well played Will Hart...well played sir.

  8. I did make one mistake, though. I really should have posted that comment about Zimmerman tripping in that he's presently trying to deny that he ever said it. Damn.

    1. Will: and now all that is left to do is to take bets on whether he will devote his next 40,000 word post to you, me, RN, or Rusty. I am placing my money on Rusty getting the honours this time.

      WD stands for more than "Nothing but Will and Dennis" after all.

  9. I don't care what you say about Shaw's ass, Rusty. Rusty makes a guess about something with absolutely nothing to use to arrive at his guess. It's a completely meaningless insults... along with you saying I (and now Jerry) works in the fast food industry. I'm not "pissed".


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