Monday, August 19, 2013

On the Acusation that I'm a Global Warming Denier

Yet another bald-faced lie, folks. I have NEVER denied that the planet's climate changes. In fact, I have ASSERTED that it does change and that it has changed FOR 4.7 BILLION YEARS. Yes, I do have an issue with the present day hysteria which predominantly uses climate models (all of which have proven embarrassingly wrong) instead of observations/data, and which apparently thinks that a tweaking of a trace gas (each of its 2 components being in the Periodic Table of elements) from 27 thousandths of 1% to 39 thousandths of 1% is somehow going to cause an Armageddon (CO2 levels have been higher in the past and there has never been a runaway greenhouse effect), AND which idiotically wants to spend trillions of dollars to little or no effect....That I do plead guilty to.


  1. You aren't a global warming denier. You are a denier and denouncer of pseudo-science and bloated poltroons (e.g. Al Gore post-2000) who play on our fears for great profit and of the cardinals of East Anglia whose "theories" are so flimsy that they must be hidden from public scrutiny in order to survive. I have it about right, Will?

  2. You're extremely warm (no pun intended).......And this whole CO2 theory is being discredited AS WE SPEAK. As Mr. Pangburn and others have assertedly pointed out, we have "pumped" (to use the wd jargon) an additional 28% CO2 into the atmosphere and the temperatures have flatlined (not at all surprising in that CO2 has pretty much absorbed all of the infrared radiation that it can at 400 ppm).......Also bunk is is his patently false assertion that 90% of scientists agree with AGW theory. Not that science works by consensus (or submission to authority) anyway but there are lierally thousands of scientists (including Nobel Prize winners, a majority of those in the American Meteorology Association, and astronauts) who are in varying degrees of skepticism on the issue; Richard Lindzen of MIT, Judith Curry of Georgia Tech, Roy Spencer and John Christie of NASA and the University of Alabama, Ivar Giaever from the University of Oslo, William Happer and Robert Austin of Princeton, Sallie Baliunus from Harvard, etc., etc., etc.. As is often the case with wd, he pulled the number totally out of his ass.

  3. "As is often the case with wd, he pulled the number totally out of his ass."

    Par for the course for his blog, which I have seen people call a "sh*t bowl".

  4. I would say that a good 90% of the people out there would agree with you.

  5. And most of the rest are his sock-puppet anons.


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