Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Reverend...and Profiler, Jesse Jackson

"I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved."......Love irony.


  1. I guess I will never get this. But it is not the first time from the Left... I remember the response to the Willy Horton ad in which Dems equated black with criminal.

    I have always lived in very white areas. I know what suspicious street-lurkers look like.. and they are alomst always white scruffians.

  2. He used to be a prolifer, too. But changed his mind not due to any personal evolution or growth, but to fit with the party line.

    From prolifer to profiler. What a life journey.

  3. In my part of town, it's 4-5:1 in favor the white scruffians.

  4. Ever think of those scruffians as "punks" ?


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