Sunday, July 21, 2013

On wd's Idiotic/Fully Refutable Assertion that it was Trayvon Screaming

WE ARE LED TO BELIEVE....that Mr. Zimmerman pointed his gun at this youngster....FOR 45 SECONDS (the total amount of time that the screaming lasted), and that he only decided to pull the trigger then, fully cognizant of the fact that the police were going to be arriving on the scene IN SECONDS. Never mind the fact that the forensics totally rule out the fact that Trayvon could have even been standing up - this, in that that would have placed the sweatshirt next to the skin (it was clearly dangling away from the skin at impact and therefore Trayvon was still on top) as the bullet penetrated....Wrong again is wd.


  1. The same sort of mind that would turn Oswald into several gunman stationed all around downtown Dallas hailing bullets on JFK.


  2. WD and Clif have spent their last five vacations together on the grassy knoll looking for shell casings.


  3. Hey,WD concocted a story where Zimmerman was guilty of premeditated first degree murder.Now,this simple bastard actually belived that.

    Deffinition of hell on earth....sitting next to WD at Thanksgiving dinner or being stuck in a middle seat between WD and Clif on a five hour flight.

    1. Not sure that might happen, Rusty. I think both belong on the don't fly list.

  4. wd is still youthful enough to right his vessel (unlike Cliffy). Whether he ever does so or not is highly debatable.

  5. Has Howard Dean weighed in on the scream issue?


    A cogent progressive argument if ever there was one.

  6. You still letting the outstanding WD get into your head Will?

    I reiterate, he's nuts. But nutty like a fox.

    He owns you Will. You're WD's bitch.

  7. I'm kind of like Al Pacino in Godfather 3, huh?


  8. Well,it appears George Zimmerman is a hero of sorts.

    Seems he pulled four people from a wrecked SUV on a Florida road this weekend.I'll make a wild guess and say DS/WD/Col.Sanders will say that Zimmerman first caused the SUV to wreck.

  9. @ Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

    I won't even comment on wd/DS or his "foxiness."

    Will is way too smart to let the likes of wd/DS get into his head.

    By the way Truth, hoe's that republican conversion going for ya?

    Challenging I bet. But knowing your tendency for "foxiness" I'm fairly certain you have them choir boys and girls pretty well buffaloed.

    As the beat goes on...

  10. This incident leaves the Col. quite embarrassed and covered in chicken grease.

  11. There was a certain amount of truth in what the Truthster said, I'm afraid to say.......As for Zimmerman being a hero, I'm not entirely sure that I would go that far. For me, it was much more of a reasonable doubt/evidence thing.

  12. Rusty said: "Well,it appears George Zimmerman is a hero of sorts."

    He should get a cape and join the urban superhero movement. First he puts down a berzerk dope-crazed thug, and now this.


  13. Maybe "hero" is'nt the correct word....but perhaps Zimmerman is a decent guy.We all agree the state of Fl. being under pressure from the white house and the race hucksters way over charged GZ....their case was doomed from jump.And then their star witness answered questions in ebonics.

  14. The star witness was a star witless, indeed.

  15. Her testimony might have actually helped the defense in that those phone conversation with Trayvon had the latter pretty damn close to the father's girlfriend's house a full blown 2 minutes prior to the altercation at the top of the T. It is pretty obvious to me that Trayvon decided to double back and administer a whuppin'.


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