Sunday, May 12, 2013

Where I DO Agree With the Warmists

a) That the temperature of the planet has been increasing (.8 of a degree Celsius over the past 150 years and .3 of a degree Celsius over the past 35 years).............b) That the earth's CO2 composition has also been increasing (from about 260 ppm in the late 19th Century to about 390 parts ppm in the early 21st century).............c) That this increase in atmospheric CO2 is at least a partial by-product of mankind's increased usage of fossil fuels (other possible contributors would include underwater volcanoes and C14 isotopes resulting from cosmic rays).............d) That increasing CO2 in a controlled scientific setting DOES produce some warming (approximately 1 degree Celsius for every doubling of CO2).............e) That mankind's increased usage of fossil fuels (in addition to deforestation and urbanization) has probably impacted the earth's climate, at least to a certain extent.

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