Saturday, May 11, 2013

On Me and Obama

I've gone from liking him politically and personally (voting for the guy in 2008), to liking him personally but not politically, to not liking him personally OR politically. I don't know, I think that the last straw for me was when he referred to the Paul Ryan budget (a budget that I have also criticized, mainly for its sacred cow treatment of defense spending), a budget that actually INCREASES federal spending by some 40% over the next 11 years, as "thinly veiled Social Darwinism". a) I'm not a major fan of politicians throwing around invective in general (especially when the shit comes straight out of a Sociology 101 textbook, for Christ), b) I found that this shot was especially absurd, and c) his added characterization of the Ryan Medicare proposal as a "voucher system" that will end up costing seniors an additional $6,400 a year was itself overwhelmingly misleading (yes, the plan does have vouchers but it is far more accurate to call it a premium support plan - replete with subsidies for the poor - that Democrats such as Alice Rivlin and John Breaux have also supported). I mean, I know that the dude is a politician and pretty much has to act this way because of the system......but wasn't he supposed to be so much better than this?......We were told.


  1. It's all about politics and retaining control and power. What it is most assuredly NOT about is truth and integrity. Or, doing the right thing. Which admittedly is subjective at best because of the interpretive nature of what the right thing is.

    And so it goes...

  2. Yep. I completely agree. For a while, I had thought about becoming apolitical entirely since I feel that a lot of US politics is full of hopeless fighting and double standards, but I'll continue to read sites like yours to stay informed nonetheless.


  3. Will,you are a smart guy....yet you did'nt know this less then one term senator from Chicago was'nt a bullshit artist?

    You actually fell for that hope and change bullshit?

    You really did'nt know he was a typical Chicago politician?

    Did they really set the lure that firm in your mouth?

  4. At least I didn't fall for it twice (that and do admit to having some concerns relative to Senator McCain's temperament and fitness for office).


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