Thursday, May 2, 2013

America's Nastiest Congresspersons?

Hm, I would probably have to go with Democrats, Henry Waxmen, Alan Grayson, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Republicans, Dana Rohrebacher, Joe Wilson, and Virginia Foxx (Jean Schmidt and Alan West both having been bounced in the latest election). I watch a lot of C-Span, folks, and these six individuals are pretty much the bottom of the barrel; mean-spirited, virulently partisan 24/7. How anybody in his or her right mind would ever want to vote for 'em is WELL beyond me.


  1. It's all about the ideolodical template. Without thought given to the logical ending results of implementing the ridiculous.

  2. It's all about the ideolodical template. Without thought given to the logical ending results of implementing the ridiculous.

  3. That is pure poetry and I obviously concur.

  4. And then of course there's the Senate, an obviously much more august institution, NOT, with the likes of such rodeo clowns/circus midgets as Reid, Boxer, McConnell, Inhofe, etc..

  5. Why would anyone want to vote for someone so mean-spirited and partisan? Well, there's a 20% or so mean spirited partisan fringe on each side. The "facts be damned" folks that believe Bush was not really elected (one side) and Obama is Kenyan (the other side). Add them up and that's a lot of crazies.


    You are right about the Senate. Reid? His motto is "speak softly, and amass power and wealth at the expense of the little guy". While O'Connell has a good record on the First Amendment, he's never impressed me much, on the other side. All of them are walking case for term limits.

  6. The Republicans are losing one of their very best in Tom Coburn (he's apparently decided that 2 terms in the U.S. Senate is sufficient punishment). Yeah, he's pretty conservative but nobody's done more in terms of reaching across the aisle on the budget deficit than this fellow (Simpson-Bowles, the Gang of Six, numerous reports, etc.). Hopefully somebody will eventually step up in his absence (maybe the Democrat Warner from Virginia).


  7. I dont know about nasty,but Waxman and Wasserman-Schultz are for sure the ugliest.

  8. Not exactly Flynn and de Havilland and Gable and Lombard, are they?

  9. So dmarks believes there is absolutely zero chance Obama was born in Kenya? Personally I think the "evidence" of his Hawaiian birth is a little shaky.

  10. What about the newspaper announcements? Are you saying that his family, the hospital, and the newspapers all were working in cahoots somehow?

  11. The idea that Obama was born in Kenya, and the idea that Gore got more votes in Florida in Nov 2000 are quite akin to each other, sorry.

  12. The family, the hospital and the newspapers were not "working in cahoots" somehow. The family is the one who faked Obama's Hawaiian birth (or so it is alleged). I'm not 100 percent convinced either way, as I explain in my most recent blog post.

    Sorry, dmarks, but I disagree that people who continue to question Obama's eligibility to run for president are "facts be damned" crazies.

  13. Put the certificate aside for a minute. How do you explain the newspaper announcements?

  14. Barlowe: I didn't vote for him. Either time. But I support the democratic process (which puts me in sharp contrast to the "Gore won in 2000" liars. Barack Obama won both times. If it is suddenly discovered that he was really born outside the US, I would support whatever legislative or constitutional process came up that would let him stay in office. I am sure most members of Congress from both parties would participate in this.

    No, I would not have an elected President booted out of office on a technicality. Will just curious, if the birth certificate WERE fake, would i t make little difference to you?

  15. I answer that question in my blog post. In short: the papers took the word of the state department of health, and they took the word of the parents in issuing a certificate of live birth. People advocating this theory say Obama's mom lied about where he was born, not as part of a grand conspiracy in which he would some day become president, but to get the benefits that come with being a US citizen.

  16. I don't know, Barlowe. I mean, aren't there some hospital records and stuff that can verify this? It just seems too conspiratorial to me.......Just for the record, I DID vote for him in 2008 but not in 2012 (I voted for Johnson instead).

  17. Of course it would make a difference to me if Obama's BC was fake! I'd be for impeaching him and removing him from office ASAP. Or overturning the election, but I believe that less likely (not that impeachment is likely either). I don't believe there even is a process for overturning the results of an election... especially at this late date.

  18. Barlowe said: " I don't believe there even is a process for overturning the results of an election... especially at this late date."

    It's kind of hard. Gore lost in 2000 when the voters went to the polls in the beginning of November. He has vast armies of lawyers perjuring themselves in court trying to overrule how the people voted. He failed, and Bush won that election the way Clinton did before him and Obama after: by getting enough votes of the people in enough states. The only asterisk after the election of 2000 is that the guy who lost tried to steal it with lawyer tricks and failed.


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