Thursday, May 2, 2013

Adaptive Seasoning

The earth is essentially a living organism, and living organisms mostly adapt. Professor Lindzen probably had the best analogy, I think. He points to the fact that when a human being puts something alien into his or her body, there generally aren't properties in that body which interact with it negatively to make the insult worse. In fact, just the opposite tends to happen; inflammation, mucous, fever, etc.. And the same is evidently true of the planet earth, too. Yes, a fair amount of carbon dioxide has entered the atmosphere (not anywhere near the levels of previous epochs but certainly more than those of the little ice age or even the Medieval warm period), but there has not, NOT, been a runaway greenhouse effect. There hasn't, folks, because the planet has a way of healing/cooling itself via an increase in cloud cover (a derivation of the increases in water vapor) and, yes, this in fact represents a NEGATIVE feedback...............................................................................................P.S. I also think that it's important to point out here that this planet of ours has absorbed a hell of a lot more punishment than this 150 ppm  increase of CO2 that we have admittedly been a part of; massive volcanic eruptions, continents colliding (what, you think that the map has always looked this way?), meteor strikes, solar flares, etc.. This whole construct of us somehow being able to render the planet helpless (never mind control its thermostat) is ridiculous and, yes, yet another example of US putting US at the center of the universe.

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