Tuesday, April 23, 2013

On Sean Hannity Having Supposedly Written Two Volumes

Wait a minute, I thought that it was, "read", that he had "read two volumes".


  1. LOL!!!

    I think he is just finishing volume one.

  2. Les, it's guys like this who keep guys like you and me from becoming Republicans (not that they would necessarily want us, mind you).


  3. The first volume was written in crayon.

  4. It's NEVER going to happen but I love it if Fox bounced him and instead put John Stossel in that time slot. He's smarter, far more interesting, and he almost always has superior guests (Nick Gillespie, Michael Schermer, Bjorn Lomborg, Veronique de Rugy, etc.), too. Mr. Ailes, if you're listening.

  5. "Let Freedom Ring" is, I believe, the title (or part of the title) of one of them. I saw it in a bin in one of those dollar stores once. His picture was on the cover and his name at the bottom (indicating that he was the AUTHOR). I wish I had purchased it.

    Will Hart: ...instead put John Stossel in that time slot.

    It isn't going to happen because Stossel is a Libertarian. Fox represents the Conservative viewpoint, not the Libertarian one. This is like your post where you implored the Republican Party to champion Libertarians as Republican presidential nominees. Is this why you describe yourself a "moderate"? Because Libertarians are fiscally conservative but socially liberal? Why not just identify as Libertarian?

  6. RE: "..Fox represents the Conservative viewpoint,.." They
    sure do, despite the 'Fair & Balanced" claim. Refreshing to hear a conservative fess up....

  7. Barlowe, Stossel does have a weekly show on the Fox Business channel but I do see your point here. As for me being a libertarian, yeah, maybe a small l Cato style libertarian.............BB, I essentially agree with you that Fox is a train wreck but I would probably give a free pass to guys like Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace and a semi free pass to Bret Baier. They're pretty decent, I think.

  8. Will Hart: Stossel does have a weekly show on the Fox Business channel...

    I've watched Stossel's Fox Business channel program. What I meant was that O'Reilly and Hannity are their two most prominent pundits. They aren't going replace either of them with a Libertarian.

    BB-Idaho: Refreshing to hear a conservative fess up...

    I was referring to their prime time lineup which consists of pundits who do commentary/give their opinion on the news. Fox also does straight news that IS "fair and balanced".

  9. I agree. Like I said to Russ, it's NEVER going to happen.

  10. BB said: "RE: "..Fox represents the Conservative viewpoint,.." They
    sure do, despite the 'Fair & Balanced" claim. Refreshing to hear a conservative fess up...."

    Yes, it drives it home when Hannity, a conservative, doesn't have a liberal on this flagship show to counter him any more. Or that O'Reilly, right of center, when he goes, always has a conservative replace him.

    However, with CNN, CBS, (MS)NBC, ABC, and PBS all being left-wing, having one right-wing network does help balance things out.

  11. FOX does NOT represent TRUE conservatism BB Idaho. The represent the rEpublican party.


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