Monday, April 22, 2013

Miscellaneous 173

1) - Great article by Anthony Watts in which he uncovers more than 60 newspaper and magazine articles from the 1970s warning us about the dangers of global cooling and the coming of yet another ice age.......And, yes, folks, some of the authors even seemed to think that the science was settled on it.............2) Of course the best part of this scenario is that a lot of the individuals who are currently trumpeting doomsday from warming were the very same folks doing the very same thing when it came to cooling (all the while totally blaming man, of course). Stephen Schneider from Stanford, for example, I quote, "Although the addition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases surface temperature, the rate of temperature increases diminishes with increases in the atmospheric CO2.......However, it is projected that man's potential to pollute will increase 6 to 8-fold in the next 50 years. If this increased rate of injection... should raise the present background opacity by a factor of 4, our calculations suggest a decrease in global temperature by as much as 3.5 °C. Such a large decrease in the average temperature of Earth, sustained over a period of few years, is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age." Specifically here the dude blamed aerosols. Oops............3) And I just love it, folks. Not only does this dude acknowledge (in this 1970s treatise) the logarithmic nature between CO2 emissions and warming, HE CHAMPIONS IT!! None of this bullshit about a positive feedback loop or amplification. Nope, the planet is going to cool DRAMATICALLY and there ain't a blessed thing that increases in CO2 can do about it, period/end of discussion.....I mean, is this unbelievable or what?


  1. Old Rustys education was in business and economics....Iam by no means a scientist,but I have noticed seems to get warmer during the summer months and damned if it does'nt get cooler in the winter.

    Now that I think about it,this trend has been going on for as long as I can remember.......go figure.

  2. These things appear to be cyclical, Russ, and follow such patterns as ocean currents, solar cycles, sunspots, volcanic activity, etc.. Yeah, human CO2 emissions have probably played a role in the latest warming trend (1980 to the present), but if I had to make a guess about it, I'd probably say that only about a quarter to a third of the .7-.8 of a degree rise over the past 130 years is "us".


  3. 0.8 degrees???? Are you shitting me???? There is some nitwit worried about 0.8 degrees?

    My martini warms up more then that.

  4. ".it seems to get warmer during the summer months and damned if it does'nt get cooler in the winter."

    I believe popular opinion of Al Gore runs in a cycle based on that.

  5. And that might even be high in that prior to 1979 we had to rely strictly on land thermometers and many of those have been congregated in urban areas. But for the sake of argument I've been willingly accepting the 3/4ths of a degree figure.

  6. Update! I got accepted to college today. I forgot to tell you that I'm a naturally talented cartoonist who has been told by many professionals that I'd make a great storyboard artist. The reason I'm going to study some type of engineering (most likely electirical) is because I'm going to need some income first and I'm fascinated by that sorts of stuff to begin with. I hope it doesn't go wrong because the college is only an hour away. The other one I got accepted to months ago was about 3 hours away and it would have been harder for my parents to visit me and spend money on gasoline and all that jazz. I hope all is well.

  7. Congratulations, me-buck. Electrical engineering is an awesome major and you can even work as a climate modeler with it. And, BELIEVE ME, they really and truly need some smarter people than they currently have.

  8. EE can be a good starting point for
    a lot of different careers. Back in
    the day, DARPA (often referred to as the Skunk Works) thought up all sorts of bizarre weaponry. I suspect it was the source of the
    Dr. Strangelove character.

  9. Good old DARPA. The invented the Internet before Al Gore was even on the scene in Washington.


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