Monday, April 1, 2013

Multiple Choice Quiz

a) Former Governor of Arkansas. b) Fox News ratings king. c) Bible-thumping moron who doesn't believe in evolution and who apparently still thinks that the planet is 6,000 years old. d) All of the above.


  1. E) Hucka hucka burnin' love....

  2. None of the above? I respect your right to believe what you want but apparently you aren't going to return the favor? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you think he's a moron just for being a Christian.

  3. a) Former Governor of Arkansas. b) Fox News ratings king. c) Bible-thumping... (a devout one of the faith).

    I do not share Huck's religious proclivities but I respect his right to hold them.

    I am not at all sure he thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old or that evolution is all bunk.

    What I am sure of is he has a tendency to alienate those who are not of the Bible Thumping crowd.

  4. I have nothing against Christians, Barlowe (or Jews, or Muslims, or Buddhists, or Hindus, or Jainists, etc.). I would just strongly prefer that a person who literally interprets the Bible as fact (for instance, that some dude named Noah filled up a vessel with every damned species on the planet) not be in any position of political power, that's all.............I don't know, Les. I'm pretty sure that he was one of those candidates who raised his hand in that debate when asked if he didn't believe in evolution. I will have to double-check, though.............Yeah, huh, BB. Gomer, Goober, and now this fellow.


  5. This idiot is the person most responsible for Obama being president.Back in 2008 when he was running a lost cause campaign in the primary he refused to withdraw form the Florida primary effectively handing the state to McCain and the nomination.

    Rumor was it was because Romney was a Morman.

    Huckelberry also granted a pardon to a convicted murderer while he was governor....the criminal went on to kill five Seattle area policemen.

    This bible thumper is a genuine POS.

  6. Whose science would you trust more, Will? The Huck, or the number guy? And which of the two is more of a man who operates mainly by faith?

  7. He's threatening to leave the Republican party and take the rest of the Bible thumpers with him. I say, do it!......And I didn't even know about that Seattle case, either.

  8. Rusty: I had forgotten about that! Hucklechuck has a major Dukakis-like problem, and his defense of the pardon is as bad as politician weaseling can be.

  9. Let's add Haley Barbour and make it a trifecta, would do you say (one of his pardonees actually killing a girl via drunk driving)?


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