Monday, April 1, 2013

I Feel Another Bristlecone Pine Ladened Hockey-Stick Graph Coming On

The archaeological, geological, and historical evidence is OVERWHELMING that the second Holocene warming optimum of 6-8,000 years ago was not just warmer than today but significantly so. Amongst the more compelling pieces of evidence to support this include rock paintings (many of which show that the Sahara, for instance, was actually wet enough to support numerous herds of animals), lake and soil sediments, archaeological sites in Egypt and the Sudan, peat, stalactites, and even fossil pollen. The fact that we have still have pseudo scientific lunatics like Michael Mann trying to undo the work of real scientists is exceedingly troubling, I think........................................................................................Oh, and, just for the record here, the second Holocene warming optimum was a time period in which human beings thrived. Populations grew. Lifespans lengthened. Food became plentiful. Diseases were largely kept at bay. And trade literally flourished. It wasn't until the Akkadian cooling which started about 3600 BC that things really started to deteriorate.

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