Friday, April 26, 2013

How Best to Recognize/Describe Him?

That's an easy one, folks. He 's the fellow with the finger pointing way, Way, WAY, WAY up in the air/stratosphere.


  1. Captions?

    "My nose.. I thought it was around here somewhere"

    "Up there? Yes. The debt after Obama's 8 years"

    "Sarah? She's up there shooting at wolves"

    "I've licked my finger, and now I just need to see which way the wind of political opportunism blows"

    "Oh? What was that? Oh. The MIDDLE finger. I'll remember that next time"

    "This? Its my V for Victory gesture. Only we've had nothing but half a victory.

    "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

    "My friends...."


  2. God bless McCain,but he is getting real annoying.I wish he would just head home to Arizona and live his life out spending Cindys money.....and oh yea, take Ms.Lindsey Graham with him.

  3. I liked him a lot in 2000 and it's been seriously downward trend ever since.

  4. "Whichever Way the Wind Blows" - a great song by Marshall Crenshaw and an even better cover by Kelly Willis. Gotta be his favorite song.

  5. I think dmarks means the Bush/Obama debt. No, wait a minute. Yes, that's right, It can be traced back even further. True fiscal conservatism died a slow agonizing death.

  6. Way way up? I though McCain couldn't raise his arms that high due to war injuries. Surely you aren't making fun of his military service?

  7. RN said: "I think dmarks means the Bush/Obama debt."

    True, to a point. Bush handed Obama a big debt. But in the 4+ years since, not only has Obama deliberately chosen not to reduce it, he has chosen to increase it significantly, and is on course to have doubled it by the time his 8 years are up.

  8. Absolutely not (even though I didn't support McCain in 2008, I defended him against numerous swift-boating attempts by various leftists). I was simply referring to his legendary flip-flopping.

  9. Swift-boating, as in when veterans told the truth about John Kerry's inflated claims about his service?

  10. I wasn't there so I don't know how much of what these swift-boat veterans said about John Kerry is true. My intuition tells that that at least some of was political and I actually do admire Kerry for at least going over these (as opposed to Quayle, Clinton, Bush 2, Dean, Biden, Romney, Cheney, etc.).

  11. And I thought that it was disgraceful when Michelle Malkin inferred that Kerry had injured himself on purpose (to get out of service). That I felt was way, way, over the line.


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