Saturday, April 27, 2013

Have Another Schlitz, Mikester

My only real question is - why did this Mann guy stop at 1,000 years? I mean, if the dude really wanted to underscore the evilness of human civilization/advancement, he could have just as easily taken his little hockey stick figure back 12-14,000 years. That way he could have eliminated not just the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period, he could have also eliminated the Dark Ages Cooling, the Roman Warm Period, the Bronze Age Cooling, the Minoan Warm Period, the Akkadian Cooling, the Second Holocene Warming Optimum, the Egyptian Cooling, the First Holocene Warming Optimum, The Younger Dryas, the Allerod, the Older Dryas, and even the Bolling. The only thing that I can think of is that the fellow is either an ignoramus, or he totally thinks that we are. But, man, oh man, this guy really could have gone for the jugular had he wanted to (tongue planted firmly in cheek, obviously)..............................................................................................Seriously, though, I am not in any way, shape, or form trying to shit on the concept of sudden paradigm shifts. In fact, I'm pretty much on board with it as a general rule (Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Watson and Crick, etc.). But I'm sorry, there was just something suspicious about this whole hockey stick thing right from the start; the manner in which the politicians rallied behind it, the woefully inadequate peer-review, the way that it coincided so perfectly with Kyoto, etc., etc.. And just this very concept of such brazen oversimplifying, the fact that these people focused strictly on one variable (man-made CO2) and disregarded the myriad of others (like, I don't know, the fact that we haven't had a major volcanic eruption with an VEI of over 4 in over 20 years). It just didn't seem like science at that point, and still.


  1. It's about the template, always seems so anyway. Somebody, or a group of somebodies always are creating templates. Then molding the data to fit.

    Go figure...

  2. So, you think that a massive, global, multi governmental, and political conspiracy is more likely? I am not sure who is being the fool here.

  3. RN: Exactly. And if they are not molding the data, they, like Mann, are intentionally suppressing data that doesn't fit, and filing frivolous lawsuits against those who find the suppressed the data.

    Jerry: Good question. It is quite obvious that it is a combination of multiple things: charlatans like Mann, guys like Gore who make billions off of this, and the legions of "people of faith" like the Numbers Guy who used to comment on this blog... who uncritically consume dubious information and then passionately defend it because "they want to believe"

  4. There's nothing massive about it, Jerry. It's a handful of rogue scientists and federal bureaucrats and it sounds as if they're already preparing for the next big scare (it's either going to be plastics, biodiversity, or oxygen depletion) just in case. Jerry, these are a lot of the same fools who (in their younger paranoiac years) tried to foist the next ice age on us 35-40 years ago. Sorry, but, yeah, I'm pretty darn skeptical.......And Les is exactly right. These people started off with a theory and then tried to prove it. It was a total subversion of the scientific method and I think that the public is finally on to them (global warming came in 20th among 20 polled issues).

  5. Will said: "These people started off with a theory and then tried to prove it."

    Does this sound like science to you? It sounds like religious apologetics to me.

    : systematic argumentative discourse in defense (as of a doctrine)"

    Sad thing is, between Mann's faking stuff and Gore's profiteering buffoonery, its hard to tell what is real and what is not in climate change theory. They've cast a large cloud of discredit over the whole enterprise. It'd be refreshing if the dominant paradigm in this weren't way too much like Institute for Creation Research

    I stand by my statement earlier that Mann is one of the worst scientists of all time. His fakery has cost many billions of dollars all over the world, and has increased human hunger. But as BB has pointed out, he's not as bad as monstrous scientists of the socialist bent (Mengele, etc). At the end of the day, if there is one thing to make Mann happy, there is that.

  6. The fact that the IPCC no longer uses the hockey stick is itself quite telling.

  7. Anyone who still insists on the hockey stick belongs in the penalty box.

    This rejected idea has joined spontaneous generation, the 3000 BC "beginning of Earth" date, and the Flat Earth on the ash-heap of science.


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